Hospital Visits

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Screw it, I'm in a writing mood today. LET'S UPDATE!

--- Kura-chan ---


I flipped open the newspaper, letting out a small sigh. This was the fourth one I had opened today, and yet I couldn't find anyone who was suited for Yugi. I felt utterly hopeless just scrambling through the advertisements.

"Yami?" Yugi came up beside me, letting out a small frown, "Why are you looking through the newspapers?"

I sighed and put this one down. It was not going to help me. 

"Oh, just...looking for something."

"What?" He sat beside me. 

"A place, nothing for you to worry about Yugi..." 

"Are you sure?" 

"I'm sure." I smiled and hugged him tightly, "I'm sure~"

"You said that twice..." He mumbled.

"That just means I'm twice as sure."

"Heh, okay. Yami, can we visit Téa today?" 

I looked at him and gave a brief nod, "Yeah."

I let him go and sighed. Maybe visiting Téa will take my mind off of searching for a therapist or anything for now. It might actually help with the search to just relax for a while, and hope that Téa was okay. 

We both got ready to go outside and then ventured out. I held his hand as we walked to the Hospital, which wasn't that far away.

It was actually quite a sunny day, but it was pretty chilly. I always hated how the weather was so un-predictive, and sometimes not in sync. If only sun always guaranteed hot weather. That would be great. 

As we neared the Hospital, I felt a sickening feeling in my stomach. What if Téa freaked out? What if she was awake and once she looked at me, she freaked out even more and ruined her health?

I shook my head. Everything would be fine, and Téa would be calm. Everything would be okay.

Yugi went to the counter to ask if we could visit, and I just watched the busy Hospital life. It seemed people were having a hard time today. I was glad we were just visiting. 

"Yami!" Yugi frowned, bringing me back to my senses.


"This way!" He grabbed my hand and wandered down the corridor, going to the lift. I wasn't even paying attention to what Yugi was telling me, my thoughts were elsewhere.

As we got in, I noticed that a lot of people were in the lift. Most of them came out, but it was still quite unnerving to be around so many people.

Yugi shuffled close to me so the crowd didn't absorb him completely. Maybe he was used to the crowds, he had visited Téa often, after all. In fact, a lot more often than I would have imagined. But I wasn't afraid. I wasn't jealous.

Does he want me to be jealous?

I shook the thought off with a swift no. Of course not. 

Then again...Yugi did confess to me last night that he hears multiple voices. Maybe they're all controlling him? Maybe...maybe they're all telling him to do these things, and the real Yugi is asleep?

I really needed to shut my mind up. It was kind of weird, not being able to hear another voice to give advice...

What was I thinking? I was glad the voice was gone. 

Wasn't I?

I'm such a mess.

We stepped out of the elevator and Yugi led the way to Téa's room. I felt the tension in my stomach rise, and the butterflies almost burst out of me. I was nervous. I was afraid. But I didn't show it. Téa might not even be awake I was probably getting worked up over nothing. 

I let Yugi go first into the room. 

"Téa?" He called out carefully. 

I could hear her reply. She was awake. 

Yugi looked at me and beckoned me to come forward. I swallowed a large lump in my throat before opening the door and walking in.

Téa looked fine. She was bandaged, but her eyes were glittery and her face looked normal. She seemed...content. 

"I brought Yami today..." Yugi let out a small smile.

Téa held no resentment to me whatsoever. It was as if...she didn't remember...

"Hey, Yami." She let out a soft smile.

" are you?" My voice was slightly shaky, but not enough to trigger alarm bells. Yugi looked at me and I could tell that he knew why I was acting up. 

"I'm getting there." She laughed, "I'll be released soon."

"Really?" Yugi suddenly turned her attention to her, "That's great!"

Téa nodded, laughing a little, "Yeah it is. I'm glad you came to visit me, as well as Joey too."

Yugi laughed with her, and I couldn't help but smile. 

I let the two talk for a while, ocassionally joining in the conversation myself. Although the visit was a bit prolonged, I felt sort of happy and content for a while. I wasn't worrying, and my mind was at ease. It was as if there was a calming atmosphere in that Hospital. 

On the way home, Yugi was in a very happy mood. It was still practically the middle of the day, so we still had time to do a lot of things. I suggested we go to the park or something, but Yugi declared he wanted to go home.

It was as if he had a different attitude every day.


"Hm?" He looked at me.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah!" He smiled at me, "Perfectly okay."

I frowned but went along with it. Something told me this was more than just what I had encountered. I had a feeling that Yugi had a mental problem. Something a lot more than what I had. A personality disorder, perhaps?

But every time I said his name, he went back to normal. Maybe the key was just to keep calling him Yugi when I wanted his attention. Keep calling his name to him. 

We neared our house and I opened the door, but Yugi hung back.



"Come on." 

He nodded and followed me inside, but he seemed hesitant. Was there something in the house he didn't want to see? 

I closed the door behind us and then I realised what was wrong. Yugi wasn't himself. He was seriously not okay.

I looked at his back and saw something odd. 

"Hey, Yugi, can I have a look under your shirt?"


"Just because."

He slowly nodded and I lifted his top up, looking at his back.

There was a small lump...something that should not be there. I slowly moved my hand towards it, and felt it. It was soft, and it was on his shoulder blade. There was another one too, on his other shoulder blade.

"Yami...I don't feel good..." Yugi stumbled, holding his head, "I wanna lie down..."

"Yugi..." I put his top down, "Something is seriously wrong wit- YUGI!"

He suddenly fell, his eyes closing and his breathing raggid. 

This was all too familiar.

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