Voice's Command

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Yugi stayed with me that day. I still wanted to know why I felt random pain, but at the time I just dimmed it as being very sick. Despite doing so, I knew that that wasn’t the case. It was something a lot bigger.

Even though I seemed very ill, Yugi was there. He stayed; made sure I was okay. I still couldn’t be more thankful for that. He held my hand and kept me reassured, and he wasn’t even concerned in case he got sick or something. I knew that he shouldn’t be, because whatever was in me was staying with me, but I couldn’t exactly tell him that. Something was telling me not to.

By the time the pain had gone and I felt somewhat sane, I was tired as hell. And yet, I couldn’t sleep. I just lay there, unmoving, breathing slowly and trying to calm down. I tried many things to fall asleep – simply closing my eyes, thinking of calming things, counting sheep etc. None of it worked. I was getting annoyed with myself.

“Yami...” Yugi muttered by my side, “What’s wrong?”

“...Can’t sleep...”I answered. I even sounded tired.

I opened my eyes slightly at some movement. I looked over at Yugi to see that he was clambering onto the bed with me, lying beside me. I watched as he shuffled closer, embracing me in a hug and snuggling me. To my surprise...it actually helped.

I found myself slowly closing my eyes again. I could hear Yugi’s breathing and that really calmed me. I managed to fall asleep because of him.

~Dream World~

It was dark. I could hardly see a thing. I knew my eyes were open, but the darkness was too overwhelming – nothing could be seen.


I remembered that voice. It was the voice that said it would control me. Was the darkness its doing?

I can hear your thoughts, Yami. This is a dream. Do you like what I’ve done with your mind? Pretty snazzy if you ask me.

“It’s not snazzy at all.” I managed to croak. I sounded...drained, almost. The voice ignored me, however.

Whenever you sleep, I will appear.

“Who are you?” I looked around the darkness. It was all black. I wished for something light to guide me to wherever this voice was. I was unhappy with this.

Yami, don’t get agitated at me. You will soon know who I am. For now, just enjoy what happens. You won’t really be in control. But I will give you periods of rest where you can have time with your Yugi.

“What will you do to him?” I was now getting really angry. If anything were to happen to Yugi...

Nothing will happen to him. Other people won’t be so lucky, though.

I growled unintentionally. “I don’t want to kill anymore...”

That’s okay. I’ll do it for you.

“You don’t understand!”

I finally caught a glimpse of something. It flashed white and I saw him. But it wasn’t clear enough. It was blurry.

I don’t need to. Don’t worry.


I started to run towards where I first saw the figure. But it was too late. They were gone before I could reach them.

Yandere Boyfriend (Puzzleshipping)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя