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Hey guys! I'm really sorry that it's been SO SO SO long since I've updated. I'm really sorry. I got a bad case of writer's block, and I know that shouldn't be an excuse but it is. Forgive me, fans!

--- Kura-chan ---


It took almost a full week to recover from what that horrid voice had done to me. But during that time, I got to spend more time with Yugi than I have recently, which brightened my week up a little.

Another thing that really made me happy was that the voice was completely gone. I heard nothing from it, and now it was a faint memory. I was incredibly delighted with the fact that I no longer had to feel the pain, and I no longer had to make Yugi worry.

I remember just getting out of the Hospital, and it was hard; mostly because we had to walk all of the way back home, and Yugi had just come back from visiting Téa that day. It didn’t bother me anymore that he went to visit her - after all, she was one of his best friends. But the problem was that Téa wasn’t getting any better. At least she was still alive.

Moving away from Téa (since I still find her a touchy topic), I broke the cage. I tore it apart, bit by bit, and smashed it using a hammer. It was hard work, heck, Yugi even helped, but it still took most of our weekend to break it and put it in the dump.

Even so, we still had a lot of time to ourselves. Most of that time was just spent recuperating and sharing time with Yugi. I dedicated most of my time to him, making sure he was mentally okay with the past crazy days. He seemed alright, but I was confused.

A small, lingering emotion of over-protectiveness still swept over me. I was sure that I had gotten rid of it – erased it from the small corners of my mind.

But apparently not.

It wasn’t as worse as before; if anything it was just subtle hints again, telling me to do small things so that Yugi stayed in my clutches.

The thought that Yugi might not even want to leave me never crossed my mind. Not once, did I even stop to think that he might feel the same way I did, or feel the overprotective flush.

But I was selfishly indulged in my own needs, and hardly paid attention to what he thought was best anymore. I did notice a few things, though.

I was in the kitchen, rummaging the cupboards for a snack of some sort, when Yugi walked in. I smiled at him.

“What’re you doing up?” I asked. It was around midnight that I had come to find something to snack on, and I was sure that I hadn’t woken Yugi in the process.

“You woke me...” He mumbled, rubbing his eyes, “and that late night snacking won’t do you any good, Yami.”

I frowned at him, “I don’t pig out during the day. Please?” I tried to look pleading.

I tried.

“Fine...Just don’t snack for too long...I’ll get cold...”

That’s when the strangest thing happened.

Yugi took a small, hesitant step forward, as if he was going to walk towards me. He just retraced his step, though, going back into the bedroom. It was as if...something controlled him; told him not to go towards me.

The voice.

I gasped at my own thought. Yugi...could the voice have found its way into Yugi’s mind, controlling all of his movements and all of his ideas? I couldn’t bear to think about the pain the voice put me through, and what pain it could put Yugi through.

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