Back To Black

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Okay so aside from being completely evil I think I'm actually pretty good, okay? Don't hate me for the parts that are about to come...a lot of problems are going to occur with Yugi.

(Kudos if you get the pun in the title)

--- Kura-chan ---


I couldn't bring myself to phone the authorities. I just couldn't. Instead, I merely sat down on the couch, holding Yugi close. Something was really wrong with him, and it was worse than what I had. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out what to do with him.

I let out a small sigh, cuddling his body against mine. He was asleep, well, more like unconscious. Nevertheless I held him like I would a small child. He was fragile, and I could feel the lumps on his back were slowly fading...those, I still didn't have an explanation for.

I fought the urge to sleep, but in the end my tired body won. I wanted to stay up and make sure Yugi was okay, but even I was tired now.

~Dream World~

It was a weird feeling. Surrounded by white plains, a blank canvas ahead of me. Nothing was even remotely colourful, and yet, I felt at peace.

"Hello?" I stupidly called out.

"Yami..." A small croak came from behind me.

I turned around. There was the front of me...there was Yugi. He was shrouded in darkness, and multiple eyes were hovering above him. He was trapped there. He couldn't move.

I wanted to help him...I wanted to find his box, so he could open it, and set his mind free. But there was no box, and there was no way to reach him without going back into the darkness.

I didn't want to do it and feel horrible again. But at the same time, I would feel horrible if I didn't help Yugi. So I took a deep breath and placed one foot in the darkness.

In an instant, everything was surrounding me. The dark voices, the horrible tone of them all, and the now dirtied was all around me.

But I could reach Yugi. I could hear his breath hitching as he wailed in dismay, and I couldn't bear it. I slowly took a few steps towards him, and he looked at me. His hand reached for me.

I made it to him and knelt beside him. His face was puffy and tears were still forming from his eyes.

"M...Make it stop...Y-Yami..."

"I can't...Yugi, I can't..." I murmured, holding him close and rubbing his back. "I can bear it with you, though."

I could feel the lumps on his body, and realised they were lumps from falling...lumps from direct physical contact - because he flinched when I felt them.

" these voices...hurt you?"

" I don' as they say..."

I frowned, and my grip on him tightened.

"'ve returned...I thought I would never see you again~"

I didn't react to the voice, but my vibes let him know that I wasn't in the mood.

Everything began to blur.

"Yami, don't leave me!"

I held Yugi tightly as I closed my eyes. "Never."

We were stuck there together now. There was no going back.

~Real World~

I woke up with a start. Yugi was staring at me, a small smile on his lips. He hugged me and murmured, "Thank you...Thank you..."

I pet his head, "You're okay're okay..."

He looked at me and shook his head, "No...we're not okay...but we're doing okay...because we're together, right?"

I nodded and kissed his forehead, "Yes. But, Yugi...We'll need to go to a therapist..."

"I know..." He said, letting out a sigh. "I'm scared for that."

"We'll go together, don't worry..." I smiled at him, "It won't be as scary with the both of us, right?"

"Y-yeah...but...we actually have to find someone who's willing to do it..." Yugi mumbled, looking down. "What if we just waste their time?"

"We won't waste their time, Yugi, their job is to listen...and if they think something can be done they'll do whatever they can to help."

He sighed and nodded, slowly getting up and picking up today's newspaper. I had already looked through half of it, but Yugi didn't know that.

He silently flicked through the pages, looking for an advert or something. His eyes suddenly lit up and he beckoned that I take a look.

There was an advert in the paper, just after the page I had left it at, for a therapist. I scanned it quickly. It looked kind of...weird...but it was something Yugi was willing to go to.

"I'll phone up, right?"


Yugi left with the paper in his hands, going to the phone. I watched him carefully. To be honest, I was really sketchy of this whole advert.

So did you decide to let me back on purpose?

I flinched. I forgot the consequences of my actions. Yes.


He needs me. Going back to you was how to help him.

You were finally free...guess that's gone now, isn't it?~

Just shut up for now. I'm doing this for him.

You know that without me killing those people you wouldn't be as close to him as you are now.

That's a lie and you know it. I would still be close to him.

If you say so. This time you can't get rid of me.

Well that's just something I'm going to have to face, isn't it?

"Yami~!" Yugi came back with a happy grin. I looked at him and smiled. "I got an appointment...we'll be going in a couple of days."

"That's great, Yugi. Are you still nervous?"

He nodded and plopped down beside me, "Yeah,'ll be fine. Cause you said it'll be fine, right?"

I looked at him and smiled, "Yes, I did. It will be fine."

"I'm gonna go take a nap..." He then got up and left.

I stared at the spot in which he originally was. The newspaper was there, and I could still faintly smell his scent.

Maybe I should nap too. After all, this would all be sorted out.


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