Newlyweds interupted

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Walking into the living room of the Malfoy Manor, you see Bella sitting on the couch, admiring her long, black nails.
"Hi baby, what are you doing?" you ask, sitting on the couch.
"I'm bored, wanna do something"
"Yeah, what did you have in mind?"
Without warning, Bella has her hand on your neck and pushes you down on the couch so you're laying down. Startled, you gasp, which makes her smirk. Getting on top of you, she bits down on your lip and another gasp escapes from your mouth. She kisses you passionately as your hands roam her body. She then kissed you along your neck, occasionally biting down, which you know will leave a mark. Going down your body, she's just about to undo the button on your pants when...


"What the fuck?!" exclaims your wife, looking up. On the other side of the couch you see Voldemort, who just appetites into your house.
"Oh is that how you greet your lord now?" asked the Dark Lord, threateningly.
"No, so sorry my lord" said Bella, getting off of the couch (and you) and turning towards him.
"Hello" you say, still on the couch, fixing yourself up. Voldemort gives you a dirty look as you stand up and move closer to him.
"Anyway, I'm here for you" he says, glaring into your eyes.
"Me?!?" you say in terror, grabbing Bella's arm.
"You are to join me. You are to follow me in serve me. In short, you are to become a death eater, like your wife" he tells you.
"What? But I-" you stammer.
"Y/n, a quick word?" Bella gestures to the door.
Once outside, she pushes you against the wall, ferocity and fear in her eyes.

"You have to do this. I'm sorry. There's no choice. If you don't join now, he'll come back, all the time. He'll drive you crazy, lurking and waiting for you to join. I'll protect you, I promise you that baby, I will. I love you."
Sighing, you take this all in. You know she's right, which is the only reason why you say okay.

" Yes, I'll join you, my lord." you say to Voldemort, trying to sound as happy about this as possible. He grabs your arm out, then begins to make the Dark Mark. You scream out in pain as Bella strokes your back. "It'll be over soon, love" she whispers in your ear.

When Voldemort leaves, you guys sit back down on the couch. Bellatrix begins to apologize again, but you stop her, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"It's okay, really. Actually, I think this'll be kind of fun. You and me, a villain couple about to take over the world"
She snorts. "You actually think that?"
You nod. "Now where were we before we were so rudely interrupted..."

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