Death To Potter

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"I want to kill the boy. After all this waiting, after all those times Voldemort held me back, I want to be the one to do it," Bellatrix insisted.
"You should. I'll be there as backup the whole time". It's the morning before you kill Harry Potter. You plan to meet Snape at the Dursley's in about an hour.
"Just like we planned, Snape will be there for Occlumency. Not that we can't do it, but since he's been pretending to teach that to Potter, he's already got an insight into his mind".
"Perfect. It's about to be the end of an era".
"And the start of a new one with two sexy, evil rulers," Bella said, moving over to kiss your lips. You kiss her back hungrily, her tongue winning in your battle for dominance.
"God, I can't wait for we-just-killed-someone sex," she says. You laugh and blush.
"It really is my favorite kind," you respond, moving your finger across her face.

Later on, you're outside the Dursley's house with Bellatrix and Snape.
"Can you tell where he is, Severus?" your wife asks him.
"He's downstairs, in the sitting room. Shockingly, he's reading some sort of book. I didn't know the boy could read," Snape says sarcastically. You laugh.
"So, do we just barge in?" you ask, honestly unsure.
"That's exactly what we do. We barge in like we own the place. We make it our bitch," Bella says, very confidently.

A few minutes later, you barge in the house.
"Is baby Potter home?" Bellatrix taunts, in a truly terrifying voice. If she didn't love you, you would be scared of her. Well, if you're being honest, you are a tiny bit scared of her. You hear moving around, and something shatters. Harry appears in the doorway to his kitchen.
"What are you doing here," he shouts, and you and Bella laugh at his feeble attempt to frighten you. You both walk closer to him, and he raises his wand.
"Y/n, why are we here?" Bella jokes.
"Oh I think we just needed to stop by to kill him," you say, smiling.
"Expelliarmus," he shouts in an attempt to disarm you. Bella blocks the spell for you, and casually walks past him and into his kitchen. His eyes move from you to her, frantic.
"I can see you learned so much at Hogwarts," Bellatrix taunts, "y/n, why don't you kill him, now". Throwing him off, how smart, you think. Before you can do anything, he stuns you. You fly back, and Bella looks frantic, but once she sees you're not hurt, she turns back to Harry. Your whole body feels sore, but nothing worse. By the time you recover and walk back to your wife, you see that she and Potter are in a duel. Unlike her, Harry says all of his spells out loud. Meanwhile, Bella thinks he's but doesn't actually have to say them. You can see her immense concentration. You stand next to her, ready to rapidly block his spells. She yells out avada kedavra because it does give her great satisfaction to yell that, at the same time Harry casts a spell you're unfamiliar with. You don't know where to look. It's a chaotic flash of light. Turning towards Harry, you see he's on the ground, dead. You turn towards Bella, but she's on the ground, too. Her eyes are shut, and she isn't moving.
"Bella!" you cry, throwing yourself on the floor next to her. You notice blood start to pool around her. Panicking, you try to soak up the blood, but there are too many wounds in too many places. "Snape!" you call, and he rushes in. At this point, your tears are clouding your vision.
"Sectumsempra," he whispers.
"That's the spell he used".
"Why don't I know it. I've studied, I've studied all kinds of dark magic. Why don't I know this?" you panic again. He rests a hand on your shoulder to calm you.
"I invented it. I know the counter curse," he points his wand at your wife's body, and the blood starts to reverse, going back into each wound. The actual wounds close up, as do the rips in her dress. She remains laying down, eyes shut.
"Why is she still like that?"
"Give her a bit. Losing blood takes a lot out of you, even when it goes back in". Even though you know she'll be okay, the irrational part of you can't stop looking at the whole picture. You cry on her chest, unable to imagine life without her.
"Bella," you cry again, sobbing into her limp body.

Authors note: I'm sorry this is sad, don't kill me I wanted to thicken the plot.

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