I'll Protect You Forever

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As soon as you woke up, you had a feeling it was destined to be a bad day. You woke up with that aching depressive feeling you just couldn't get rid of. You didn't even know why you were feeling depressed, you just knew that you did and you just wanted it to go away.

"Morning, love," Bellatrix called. She was already up but walked over to where you were laying.
"Morning," you replied, laying back on your side so you could fall asleep again.
"Are you okay?" she asked, sensing that you weren't from the tone of your voice.

You shook your head. "Not really, I just want to go back to sleep".
"I'm here if you need me. You know that right?" she asked, rubbing your arm supportively.
"I know, thank you. Maybe we can talk later".
"I'll be here," she started walking out of the room, but stopped, "y/n?"
"I love you," she said softly. A faint smile appeared on your lips.
"I love you, too".

Once she left, you rolled over and went back to sleep. You woke up what you assumed was a few hours later. You felt better, you knew being tired greatly affected your mood. Sunlight poured through the windows, and just when you were about to call your wife, she knocked on the door.
"Come in," you called, and she did.
"Did I wake you?" she asked, walking over to you. You shook her head and patted the area on the bed next to you for her to join you.

"I was hoping you'd come in," you told her, snuggling in her chest. She played with your hair comfortingly.
"Did you want to talk?" she asked gently.
"Before you start, just remember that I will kill anyone for you. If there's someone making you sad, they're dead. I'll torture them first, of course, to make it painful. Then I'll stab them slowly, really make them feel pain," she said.
"Thank you, baby," you knew she was completely serious.

She nodded, satisfied. You began to tell her about everything you've been feeling lately. Lately, there have been too many memories of your past, which you didn't like. Between seeing Pansy and the dream you had about going to Hogwarts with Bellatrix, you couldn't stop thinking about how you wish you had a better childhood. You continued to rant to your wife about how you wished that dream was real. Instead, you had a family who ignored you your whole childhood and teen years, especially when they found out you were in Slytherin. The only good thing was that if you didn't have much motivation to move out, you might not have ever met your wife when you were working at a pub.

Once you finished talking, you looked at her. She pulled you closer and kissed the top of your head.
"I'm so sorry you felt that way," she said.
You nodded. "Thanks".
"Baby, you know I'll kill them".
"I'll consider it," you replied, and you genuinely would.

"I know how hard it can be to let go of the past," she began, "but that's the only advice I can give you".
"You're right. I'm happy with my life now. Being with you makes me happy".
"I'll always be here for you," she reminded you.
You nodded, sitting in a moment of comfortable silence.

"I got you something," she said.
"What?" you asked, excited. She laughed and told you she'd be right back. A minute later, she returned holding a paper bag, a shopping bag, and a rose. "What's all this?" you asked her. She smiled, sitting back down next to you.
"I was bored without you so when you were asleep I figured I'd go out and get you some things to cheer you up," she explained.

She handed you the paper bag, and you opened it to reveal a bunch of croissants. You smiled, immediately digging in. As soon as you tasted them, you knew you recognized them.
"Bella, are these from that bakery we like in Paris?" 
She nodded excitedly. "I may have taken a little trip. After all, you were asleep for three hours. What else was a supposed to do?"

Overwhelmed with emotion, you grabbed her face in your hands and kissed her.
"Thank you," you said softly.
"I just want to show you you're loved," she replied. She took a croissant out of the bag and had a bite. "Plus, these are amazing," she said with a laugh.

"What's everything else?" you asked. She grabbed the rose, handing it to you. You played with the soft petals as she told you the story of how she got them.
"I saw them when I was walking down the street in someone's garden. I knew that I had to get them for you. So, I broke in the garden and took them," she narrated.
"Did you get caught?" you asked.
"Yes," she smirked, "but I threatened to kill them unless they let me take a rose".
"That's my wife," you cheered, making her laugh.

"And, I got you one more thing," she said, putting the shopping bag in between you two. You pulled out a box that was inside.
"What's this?" you asked, turning the box over in your hand.
"Massage oils. I figured that if you did talk to me, you'd be tired after from all the emotion. I figured you'd need some relaxing". You looked at her, smiling.
"How are you the most thoughtful person ever?"
"Only to you," she said, kissing your forehead lightly, "I'll always be here for you. I know you're a strong woman who doesn't need protection, but I'll protect you forever".

"I appreciate that," you replied, "now, can you start that massage, I could really use it".
She giggled. "Bossy!"
"It's mostly because I just want your hands all over me," you whispered seductively.
She smirked. "In that case, let's get started". You laid on your stomach, and she put her hand on the back of your shirt.
"May I?" she asked her hands at the hem.
"Of course," you hummed.

She took off your nightshirt and tossed it aside. Her strong hands started to explore your bareback. She applied pressure to every area of tension she could find, and they were gone within seconds. You felt completely relaxed, safe at her touch.
"Does that feel good," she asked, her hands on your shoulders.
"Really good," you confirmed. She planted a kiss on the back of your neck.

You flipped over so that you could kiss her back. You smiled once you were facing her.
"Thank you for all this," you said, before taking her face and kissing her lips deeply. She kissed you back just as passionately. Your hands moved to her curly hair, pulling her closer. Her hands were moving around your body. You moaned as she grazed over your pants.
"Are you too tired for this?" she asked. You shook your head quickly. You couldn't get enough of her.

She kissed you again, her tongue pressing into your eager mouth. Her hands grazed the hem of your pants, making you moan again. You felt her smirk against your lips, and she pushed them off of you, along with your panties. You arched your back, desperate for her touch. Your heat was throbbing from her featherlight fingers.
"Is that what you want?" she teased.

"Please touch me," you begged. She did, and you let out a moan as she began to finger you. She kissed your lips passionately, and your hands flew back into her hair. You moaned against her lips as her movements got faster, going deeper to hit your g-spot.
"Oh Bella," you moaned when you needed air, then kissed her again deeply.

She moved her other hand down to your thigh, massaging the area deeply.
"You're so close, aren't you baby?" she whispered. You smiled at how well she knew you. After a few more thrusts, you reached your peak, hearing her whisper praises through your high.

She rolled off of you once you finished, laying down and pulling you close to her chest.
"Do you feel better?" she asked.
"I do. I feel safe with you," you told her.
She kissed the top of your head. "Good. Just remember, I'll kill for you. Consider it?" For the first time, you actually would. You nodded.
"I love you," you whispered, before snuggling up to fall back asleep in her arms.

Authors note: so I wasn't even thinking about killing off y/n's family but now I kind of want to

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