The Opportunity

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Tw: cracking open of snake skulls and death

"Y/n, come up here now," you hear your wife call. Geez, she could have at least snuck in a 'please', you think, her abruptness somewhat annoying you.
"What is it Bella," you call, finding her upstairs in Voldemort's room.
"He left her," she said, her voice urgent and excited. Sure enough, you see Nagini slithering on the bed.
"Where did he go?" you ask, trying to gauge how long you had.
"He just left. I was talking to him before and he said he was going to make another Horcrux. Apparently, he found something to make it out of. He was worried about bringing Nagini, but I told him we would take good care of her," she cackled her evil laugh.
"We have to stab it, right?" She nodded.
"Why don't you do the honors? You've been practicing, deary," she pulled her knife out of her pocket and handed it to you. You raise the knife, but before you can do anything, your wife calls out, "wait!".
"What? What's wrong?"
"Contrary to Dumbledore's belief, Voldemort can feel it when a Horcrux is destroyed. I know this for a fact. Plus, Dumbledore is lying in a grave and we're here, about to take over the world," she laughs then continues, "anyway, the Dark Lord will come rushing back here the moment Nagini dies. Which means we have to be prepared to duel him".
"Yeah, I know. We went over this, didn't we?"
"Yeah but...I want to protect you".
"What are you talking about," you ask insulted, "you know I'm a good witch".
"Of course you are but-".
"But what? Do you not think I can do it?" your voice rises.
"No no!," she yells, "I just can't lose you". With that, she begins to tear up.
"But you won't lose me," you say, your voice softer.
"I like to have control over things. I've never loved anyone the way I love you. I need to make sure you don't get hurt. I can't live without you," she cries. To be honest, you're completely shocked by this display. She never cries.
"Okay, if I seem like it's too much, you can help".
"Thank you. I promise, I know you're capable. I just like to have control".
"I know, you're crazy like that" you joke, which makes her smile.
"Anyway, proceed". So you do. The snake slithers over to you, and using all your might, you crack her skull open. You're expecting her to bleed, but she doesn't. Instead, she breaks into thousands of little pieces and just disappears.
"I did it!" you say, both relieved and excited. Bella pulls you into a hug and kisses you happily.
"We don't have much time to celebrate, I fear," she says. Sure enough, you hear a crash downstairs a moment later. Voldemort flies up the stairs and into your room. You and Bella are facing him, and she puts a protective arm out to block you.
"Bella, Bella, Bella," he says, threateningly, "I never thought I'd see the day where you turned on me".
"Well, I'm just full of surprises," she laughs. He responds, but you barely hear it, because you just realized your opportunity.
"Avada Kedavra," you yell, pointing your wand at him, shocked those words just came out of your mouth. Bella looks at you, apparently just as shocked as you are. Voldemort, distracted by her taunting, didn't even notice and falls on to the floor, dead.
"Holy shit y/n," Bellatrix says.
"I can't believe I just did that. We make a good team". Bella goes over and steps on the body.
"I can't believe I married a murder," she jokes.
"What's next?"
"Well, first I think we should kill Harry Potter. Not that he's much of a threat for us, let's just do it cause Voldemort couldn't".
"Good for us".
"Then let's go away. Let's travel the world, see where we want to take over".
"Sounds perfect, baby. I've always wanted to go to Paris, can we do there first?"
"Of course we can. We can take it over too," she said, bringing you into her arms and kissing you softly.

Authors Note: you guys did it! So I'm going to be taking a little break from this story because I want to start a Helena Bonham Carter x reader AU and Helena character one shots. I'll still write this story, just update a little less often. I might also do a prequel.

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