56 Howl In The Woods

Start from the beginning

"Phoenix, what the hell are you doing?" I looked up at him. He had his brows creased looking out at the distance.


He put a finger up to me, gesturing me to stay quiet and put his finger against his ear, mouthing "Listen"

So I did.

Axel, Donovan, Ezra, Nathaniel, the cars... everything was blocked out for that second. There was only one sound in the distance. One cry - a child.

I looked at Phoenix and the look in his eyes was asking me if I had heard that too. I nodded.

"Sage..." I heard Axel take a step towards us when Pheonix put a hand up to him too, telling him to pay attention.

But then I heard something else...


That was a howl.


It came from the left, which was the same direction I heard the child's cry from. But my mind decided it was a good idea not to wait around and legs complied, taking off in the direction.

"Sage, no" I heard Axel call out, but it was mere seconds before I heard him following behind.

"Fuck" I heard Pheonix from far away.

I knew they were close behind,but I didn't care. Only one thing mattered... finding the source of that noise.



She took off.

Just like that.

I felt like my heart stopped for a second, but my senses kicked in and I followed. All thoughts of Donovan left my mind. Only one thing mattered right now - Get Sage back here.

I could see her hair flowing in the wind. I know she was freaking out too. But running off like this was dangerous, damnit. I heard Donovan call out to me and soon heard movement close by. I glanced over my shoulder, to see Phoenix close by. I'm sure the rest would follow suit.

She stopped.

So did I.

She just stood there with her hands running through her hair, looking around with a blood hungry look in her eyes that matched the actual crimson her eyes had turned.

"What happened?" I walked up beside her, focusing on the sounds around us. I heard Donovan and the rest running in and stopping a little away from us.

"Someone's running through..." her eyes narrowed, focussed on something over my shoulder. I turned around instinctively and did the same. I heard it too. Shallow breaths, a pounding heart, muffled sobs and the sound of the dried leaves in the forest floor being trampled.

"Someone's out there..." Nathaniel whispered.

"But there's only one person..." Ezra's voice trailed off.

We saw a gush of someone moving past us. I turned around to see Donovan mouthing "Phoenix".


"Hunter" Ezra whisper yelled "What did he..."


He stopped halfway through what he was about to say and so did we all when we heard the scream.

My legs moved on its own. I ran until I caught a glimpse of Phoenix with his back facing us. He was looking down at someone. I stopped in my tracks trying to see who it was, but all I could hear was a pounding heart.


"Shhh" he put a finger up and looked over his shoulder.

"What the hell is happening?" Sage stopped beside me.

"Dammit, Hunter" Donovan hissed out from behind me.

"I think we may have found something" he glanced back at us.

I heard a slight sob from behind him and instinctively took a step towards him as he took one back.

"Is that..." Ezra whispered.

I couldn't respond. I just stood there looking at the child covered in blood and dirt.

"Kinsley" Sage breathed out and rushed towards her , kneeling down beside her.

The child almost flinched away from her, she was trembling in fear.

"You don't remember me? I'm your father's friend. I came to Cohen a few weeks back, Kinsley" she cupped her face, trying to snap her out of it.

The child just looked at her with a wide eyed expression before tears started streaming down her face.

"They have my daddy" she cried and threw herself onto Sage's shoulder.

I don't think Sage heard that right, because she didn't respond. She just picked up the child, stroking her hair, comforting her.

Me on the other hand, I was freaking out. And the look on everyone else's face said the same.

"How did you get out?" Sage pulled away from Kinsley but still rocked her in her arms.

"Daddy killed her..." the kid whispered through hiccups and sobs.

"Where?" I took a step towards them. She just looked at me with a vacant expression.

"It's okay, it's okay. You're safe now" Sage put her head down on her shoulder and stroked her hair again.

"Can you tell me where daddy is?" She whispered ever so slightly.

Kinsley nodded, hugging onto Sage for dear life.


Kinsley lifted her arm and pointed in the direction of a narrow pathway.

I heard Sage' let out a deep breath and instinctively looked at her. She was staring in the direction, holding onto Kinsley tightly. I looked at Donovan, Ezra and Nathaniel. They were looking in the direction too.

Phoenix took a step forward and glanced over his shoulder at us "Are we ready for this?"

I let out a deep breath and fixed my eyes back on that little clearing. I knew the answer to his question but I'd never admit to it. I guess we'll just have to see what the night holds in store for us.



Was that intense?

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See you guys soon.

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