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Sports day! Yukami was so excited when she got to change into her Jersey and shorts. Tying her hair into a high ponytail.

"Kami," Jeongwoo shouted, his tiny pompoms being flailed in the air.

Kami ran over to her friends with a bright smile, "hey guys!"

"You must be so happy to finally play your favorite sport," Yedam said.

Kami nodded, "I am."

"You will win right," Doyoung asked.

"We can try, but I hope so. It's just for fun," Kami replied.

"Except they look like they want to kill you," Jeongwoo whispered.

Kami looked back at the other team, the girl was still burning holes into her head.

"Team, let's get warmed up!"

Kami smiled, "that's my cue."

She waved at her friends as she walk back to the court, her team got to play the first game. It was some what nerve wracking but everyone had such good energy.

They were warming up, feeling the stares she looked over and saw the girl glaring at her, still. Kami was just going to do her best but who knew what the girl had up her sleeve.

Jeongwoo was then joined again with Doyoung and Yedam who went to get snacks. The three of them cheering for their best friend.

The whistle blew and everyone was sent to get into their positions. It blew again and the gym was silent until the ball flew through the air.

The game kept going , rotating positions until Kami landed in center. The girl right in front of her.

"I warned you, didn't i?"

"He's my friend."

"Well that's a shame, he shouldn't be interested in wasting his breath with someone like you."

"I don't like him like that, he's my best friend."

"Like you have someone else?"

Kami received the ball, "I do."

"From japan? Or is it a character in those comic books you always have your nose in?"

Kami looked over seeing her book in the hands of other girls, "it's called a manga."

"Lose or ill rip it."

"You are so arrogant!"

"This is your final warning," which that the ball was spike right into Kami's face.

The girl fell back hitting the ground from the impact, she was dizzy and struggling to keep her eyes open.

"Kami stay awake," a familiar voice said.

"Move! I'll take her the to the nurse!"

"Follow me."

"Don't close your eyes on me Yukami," The voice said, it was in Japanese.

"Who are you," Kami asked softly, her eyes closing for a bit until she opens them slightly again.

"Ruto, Haruto."

Kami wanted to finally see the mysterious male so bad but as soon as she got to the nurse, she passed out.


The blinding white light shun through the glass pain directly to the eyes that were struggling to open. It was too bright.

Her hand came up and covered her eyes, squeezing them tight. Her head pounding as the sound of rings dragged against a bar. The sunlight was no longer felt against her skin.

Removing her hand from her eyes, moving them both to hold her head and groan.

"Kami, we have to take you to a hospital. We need to make sure you don't have a concussion," a voice that sounded like her mom.

"Mom? Where is Yedam, Jeongwoo, and Doyoung? Where is Haruto?"

Her mom smiled, "your friends are waiting to see if you are okay."

"Can I see them?"

"For a bit then we have to go to the hospital okay?"

The three boys came in, "did it hurt?

"Why didn't you tell me they were after you," Yedam asked with worry and disappointment laced in his voice.

"Did you see the light," Doyoung asked.

"My head hurts a lot. I didn't want to scare you or put you in danger. No, I didn't see the light," Kami replies slowly.

"Also who was that boy that brought you in," Jeongwoo asked

"His name is Haruto, I met him a couple times but I don't know how he is significant to me," Kami spoke.

"Kami's mom," Yedam rushed out of the room.

"Why is he," Kami felt a little light headed and felt a drop hit her hand.

Jeongwoo rushed to get tissues, Kami grabbed her head as it pounded, tissue being held to her nose as it was bleeding. Kami's mom rushed in with a wheelchair getting Kami on it to bring her to her car. Kami got seated, she leaned her head against the window.

"She will be okay, right?"

Jeongwoo rubbed Yedam's back, the two boys were really sensitive, "hey, don't cry or I'm going to cry."

"Then I'll cry," Doyoung said.

Yedam hugged Jeongwoo and Doyoung joined in, they were so worried for their friend.

manga. ʰᵃʳᵘᵗᵒ ʷᵃᵗᵃⁿᵃᵇᵉTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon