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the comeback slaps  


Scanning the words on the page, the thick black ink forming the character's features. It's been hours and the girl was completely drawn to the character in her manga. Hanging upside down from her bed while she read word for word admiring the boy.


The girl's glasses fell off her face as she scrambled off the bed placing the book on her bedside table. Grabbing her bag that sat outside her room on her way out.


The girl stood in front of her mom wearing the black school skirt and the yellow blazer. After watching her mom's intimidating eyes look her over the woman smiled and pulled her in for a hug.

"Yukami, I'm so proud of you taking this step for me to work here in Korea. I know it will be hard for you to fit in but, thank you."

The girl pulled back fixing her thin-rimmed glasses and hair bun, "mom, you know I'll do anything for you. Plus, you are working so hard for just me and you. I'll find a job soon too, okay? Don't overwork yourself."

Her mom smiled, "good luck Yuyu, the gates will close soon get there quick."

Yukami nodded and kissed her mom on the cheek before throwing the bag over her shoulder. Finally slipping on her shoes before heading out to start her first day at school.

Yukami took in a breath of the crisp morning air, her mind wandering to her manga and picturing the places around her as an animated drawing. Soon the stairs of the school and other students rushing in came into view.

"Wow," she whispered, not that they were much different than the schools back in Japan, she didn't know how to explain it.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you there," a boy with a squared smile and crescent eyes said after accidentally bumping into her shoulder.

"Oh it's okay," Yukami smiled slightly fixing her glasses.

"You know I've never seen you before, you must be new! Hi, I'm Bang Yedam!"

The girl smiled, the male was kind of contagious, "I'm Yukami Okazaki, I just transferred from japan, starting my sophomore year."

"Your Korean is good, did you take it in Japan?"

"I did."

Yedam smiled and walked with her, taking her to her homeroom, "well I'm the class president of my senior class. If you need help, I'll be there. I'll pick you up for lunch, can't let you get lost."

Yukami chuckled before bowing with a thank you, soon Yedam has whisked away with the crowd. Kami turned back around and let out a nervous breath before putting on a smile. Walking in she was looked upon by her peers, they didn't recognize her from last semester. Soon a tan boy whose unique features came up to her with a crooked smiled.

"Yedam told me to help you out, you can sit in the back with me."

The girl nodded and followed the male to the back of the room by the lockers, where he helped her put her things away and sat next to each other.

"I'm Yukami Okazaki from Japan," she smiled taking out her cute pens and notebooks.

"I'm Park Jeongwoo! It's my first year at this school but at least I was here the first semester. Isn't it difficult to change in the middle of the year?"

"Yeah, I'm sure but, nothing too difficult has happened yet."

Jeongwoo smiled, "your notebooks are cool, this is my favorite character."

"You like pororo?"

The boy scratched the back of his neck, "it's cute, I mean it's okay. People say I look like him."

The girl tilted her head looking at him, "I don't see it."

"Well, we just met!"

Yukami rolled her eyes with a laugh, the teacher came in and welcomed the students back. They talked about their break a bit.

"We have a new student, a transfer from Japan. Would you stand up and introduce yourself?"

Yukami stood up and bowed, "I'm Yukami Okazaki, please take care of me."

"Nice to meet you Yukami, now let's get to work."

They started with History, the day went by but it was normal. Yukami wasn't intimidated by being at school in Korea a bit.

Soon enough those thoughts shut her up, she was in the bathroom washing her hands. Hearing noises behind her she looks up to see the faces of female students.

"Are you Yukami? I thought I would have had competition but she's not even better looking than the scraps on the ground," the girl laughed, the others laughing along with her.

"No need to be so rude," Yukami said, her eyebrows knitted and tears brimming her eyes.

"No need to be so rude, I'm not. It's called honesty, you're not as pretty nor as rich as me so stay away from Yedam," the girl screamed, shoving the girl's shoulder before walking out of the restroom with the two others.

Yukami sniffled wiping her eyes before walking out back to class, a voice called her.

"Kami, I thought I lost you, I told you I'll help you to the cafeteria," Yedam said, he was waiting for the girl with Jeongwoo in the classroom.

Yukami took a breath and smiled, "great cause I'm starving."

The boys chuckled and hoped off the desks both walking on either side of her to take her to the cafeteria. She met Yedam's close friend Doyoung, who was a junior.

Excluding the bathroom moment, the boys walked her home and it was a good day. Kami came back to an empty house setting her school bag at the entrance, her schoolwork can wait.

Raiding the fridge for something to eat, only to cuddle back into her blankets and manga in her hand.

I missed you so much Haruto.

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