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It's been about a week, she had become close with the three boys. However, the girls have gotten meaner, Kami would try her best not to show it knowing the males would worry about her.

"Kami look I got your favorite," Doyoung sang, they were out together getting ice cream after school.

Kami smiled grabbing the strawberry Melona bar, "thanks Dobi."

Jeongwoo laughed, "Dobi, that's a good one."

Doyoung glared at Jeongwoo and punched his arm, "only Kami is allowed to call me that."

Yedam laughed looking at the younger kids eating his plain vanilla ice cream, "tomorrow we will be planning for sports day, each class has to plan something."

"This time of the year again," Doyoung sighed.

"Doyoung here is all spirited away," Jeongwoo said making his hands have some kind of flying shimmer effect.

"Shut up no face," Doyoung laughed which made everyone else laugh.

"How are your studies going Kami," Yedam asked.

Kami's mind flashes to all the time she spent rushing to do her homework before her mother came home cause she's been reading manga all afternoon.

"Pretty good, I passed the math test," Kami smiled.

"Yedam hyung please tutor me, I suck at math," Jeongwoo cried.

"I can this Friday, I'm free."

"I love you so much!"

Kami giggled at her friends, her phone beeped looking at a text from her mom, "guys I have to head home, my mom is calling."

The guys all got up, "we will escort you home m' lady," Doyoung held his arm out for Kami to hold. She laughed and let them take her home where she was back to the comfort of her own privacy.

Following her normal routine, she left her bag by the door with her shoes, entering the house to see her mom making dinner. Yukami smiled hugging her mom from behind, "Yukami, you scared me!"

The young girl smiled sheepishly, "sorry mom~"

"Oh, I have news so please wash up for dinner."

"Yes ma'am!"

Yukami ran up to her room, showering a wearing normal lounging around the house clothes. She hung up her uniform so it doesn't wrinkle. She did her small skincare routine before putting on her bunny slippers and bouncing down the stairs.

The smell of the food danced in the air, smelling the tonkatsu which was one of her favorite dishes from back home. Yukami rushed to the kitchen and sat down at the table right as her mom was setting the plate down.

"Yuyu, I made your favorite."

"I know, I smelled it from the living room."

Her mom smiled and placed everything on the table then sat herself down. They ate a bit talking about school and Kami's new friends.

"So what news did you have for me?"

"Oh! I have a coworker from japan and her daughter needs some tutoring, she's in fifth grade her name is Airi. So I pitched you in, Friday after school I'll send you to their house and you'll tutor her."

"Oh my goodness! Mom, thank you so much!"

"They will pay every test she passes," her mom said.

"I'm so happy, I wanted to find my own job but, this is okay too!"

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