4ever! (pt.2)

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Baby, I just love the way you love me
And how you dance with me throughout the night
Baby won't you stay awhile with me?
Forever, alright

You wake up late the next morning, tired after your long day yesterday. You look out your window and realize that it's raining, it's going to be a dark and dreary day. You and your friends will probably just chill around the house all day.

Deciding to just lay in bed a little longer, you grab your phone and turn back on your side. You had a couple of instagram and twitter notifications but one twitter post caught your eye.

|Tommy @tommyinnit
saw a real life sunset instead of a minecraft sunset

You laugh, rolling your eyes at his antics. You remember what had happened last night. His holding you in his arms, the pink sunset, his pretty eyes. Multiple things all came at your at once and you couldn't stop yourself from smiling.

You decided you wanted to at least do something productive today. You threw on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt and grabbed your laptop. There was a slight smell of rain and flowers throughout the house. You liked this, the vibes were great.

You wen to to your kitchen and got some water and sat on your couch. You opened your laptop to do some editing for you youtube channel.

After about thirty minutes, Niki joined you on the couch and you two started talking about the most random things. Soon, Tubbo and Fundy joined you downstairs. At this point it was around ten am.

You decided to put on some music, disregarding Wilbur and Tommy who are still sleeping. You put on music and start to make breakfast with the help of Fundy.

You guys decided to make pancakes, with chocolate chips in them of course. Sooner or later, Wilbur came down the stairs to find all of you either singing or dancing. A little after he came downstairs, I'm in Love With an E-Girl came on. Wilbur hung his head and laughed as all of us yelled the lyrics. The pancakes were done after your little party and you all sat down to eat.

"Did I really just get woken up by a group of people yelling 'She has a profile picture of an anime girl's face'?" You heard Tommy say from the living room. You all burst out laughing. Tommy then comes to join you guys at the table and sits down next to you.

After about an hour you guys have cleaned the kitchen and everyone has dispersed into their own little groups. Niki and Wilbur on the couch playing animal crossing, Fundy explaining a certain minecraft contraption to Tubbo on the floor, and you trying to teach Tommy to do the renegade dance from TikTok. The dance not going very well so far.

Out of nowhere Tommy gasps and grabs your arm. "(Y/N)! What if we streamed together?" He basically screams. He then starts to run to your room with your streaming set up, his running kind of reminding you of a happy golden retriever. You laugh and start to walk after him.

When you get into the room Tommy has already pulled up the go live page.

"Tommy! I love your idea but what are we even going to do?" You ask him, trying to hold back your laughs.

"Uhhhhh, I don't know. Bedwars! Yes, bedwars. Bedwars is good," He said looking back at you and giving you the biggest smile, "I can play on my laptop that I brought so we can both be on camera!"

When he jumps up to get his computer, you press the go live button.

"Hi, chat! How are we all? Today is a big stream. I have someone very important here with me." As if on queue, you hear Tommy's footsteps coming down he hallway and your door bust open.

"CHAT!!" Tommy screams from your doorway. You glance over at your chat and see everyone spamming 'POG' or 'AWWWW'. You roll your eyes at your fans' antics.

"Me and (Y/N) are going to play bedwars. I'm just gonna say that I am playing on a laptop and if I die it is because I am not on PC. Not because I actually died because I am the best at this game." Tommy said, going on one of his pre-stream rambles.

"Tommy, who's stream are you on?" You ask him, lightly hitting the side of his head. You glance at your chat spamming 'HE'S BLUSHING' and 'simpinnit'.

You two get on bedwars and play for about an hour. At around the hour and a half mark you realize Tommy is out of view on the webcam.

"Hey, Tommy, can you move back into frame please." You ask him, looking back at him.

"Oh, sorry. Didn't know you wanted to see me in your stream labs that bad, (N/N)." He said, with a smug smile on his face. You quickly look down trying to hide your blush. After about another thirty minutes of shenanigans you decide to end. you raid Tubbo's little sister who is playing minecraft.


The gang decides to watch a movie when you two finish up streaming. Fundy brings up the idea of a scary movie.

"Oooh, yes! I love scary movies." Tubbo says very excitedly.

After a heated discussion on which scary movie to watch, Halloween was chosen. After about twenty minutes into the movie Wilbur was clinging to Niki while she tried to comfort him. You laugh at your brother as you hear Fundy snore from the other side of the couch. Tubbo is grabbing onto Tommy for dear life basically. You hide your face in your blanket at Michael Myers comes ono the screen, knowing what is next.

Next thing you know, you're being shaken awake by Tommy.

"(N/N), everyones gone to sleep. Let's go to bed, yeah?" Tommy says kneeling next you laying on the couch.

"Tommy," You smile reaching out to touch his hair, "Will you stay with me for a while?"

"Forever? That sounds alright to me." He says, giggling slightly as he crawls onto the couch with you. The last thing you remember is a hand running through your hair and the feint hum of the Able Sisters theme.


Hehehehh i liked that ending alot. Not me writing my own dreams down :0

Anyways, this took a little bit to get out, I apologize! I just get sudden bursts of creativity lmao

I love you all and I hope you all have a good day/night! <3

4ever! |tommyinnit x reader|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz