like you lots

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'You are my number one, baby
I like you lots'

Childinnit 🔪
- So what's this about you thinking i'm cute?

Excuse me, what? You stared at your phone for a little over thirty seconds. Wilbur was never going to hear the end of this. You instantly got out of the car and ran back into your house yelling things along the lines of 'I hate you Wilbur Soot' and 'I'm going to kick you into next week'.

You find Wilbur in the kitchen leaning over the counter, "Hey, dickhead! What were you thinking telling your hundreds of thousands of twitter followers I though Tommyinnit was cute. You did not need to expose me like that. I mean maybe he is very cute, but everyone did not need to know!" You basically yell in his face.

"Okay, (Y/N), you might want to stop talking." Wilbur said, turning to face you. He had a slight smile on his face.

"Shut up! You are so dumb. I mean everyone is going to know that I'm your sister later, you couldn't have waited another day? Plus, to top it all off, he sent me this smug little text that makes me wanna punch him in his face." You say, turning away from Wilbur to hide your smile.

"Hey, (Y/N), please don't punch me." A voice says out of Wilbur's phone. You look up at Wilbur with wide eyes.

"I told you to stop talking, (Y/N). Now this one is your fault." He says, holding back his laughter. You hear loud laughs coming from the phone which makes Wilbur absolutely lose it.

"You guys are both absolute bitch boys." I say, storming back out to the car to sulk.

Wilbur and yourself head out to the local grocery store and buy ingredients for chocolate chip cookies. You rush in and grab the stuff you needed then head back out to the car. You make your way back to your house and start to put together your streaming set up in your kitchen. You titled it 'Cooking stream w/ a special guest! pog?'

After about five minutes you get enough courage to press go live.

"Hello Chat! How are we today?" You said, smiling in the direction of your camera. You had your chat pulled up on your phone to see what people were saying. Chat was filled with 'cooking stream pog' and questions about your special guest.

"We all doing good? Good! We have a real big stream ahead of us, guys!" Your smile growing bigger either very word you said.

"I have a very special guest here today! Yes, I am aware some of you may be mad at me for keeping this secret, but I wanted to gain some fans for just being me and not from my brother carrying me. I hope you all understand!" As your saying this you feel a weight lift off your shoulders. The pressure of this secret is finally off and you can be open about it.

"Alright guys, I'd like to introduce you to my brother, Wilbur Soot!" You glance down at your chat to see them going crazy.

"So I see a lot of you know who he is." You say as you gesture for Wilbur to get into frame.

"Sup chat!" He says excitedly as he gets into streamer mode. "I know, I was shocked to find out I had a sister as well."

"Hey, stop. You're already on thin ice." You say as you give him a glare. As soon as you say this your chat started spamming the tea emoji.

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