mean it

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don't kiss me right now
don't tell me that you need me
don't show up at my house
all caught up in your feelings
don't run me round and round
don't build me up just to let me down


You look out onto the ocean while walking into the store. The bright lights of the Tesco's a stark contrast to the dark night sky.

"What are we even supposed to be getting here, N/N?" Tommy asked you, finally letting go of your hand.

"Well, Wilbur wanted me to get some ice cream and cookie mix." You said, receiving a weird look from Tommy. You explained that Wilbur had said something about baking cookies with Niki. You two go around the store finding the things your older brother needed. Tommy occasionally wandering off to ask if you can buy him things.

"Awww, N/N, please can you buy me a coke? I haven't had one in like a week! I think I'm having withdrawals." He says, feigning desperation.

"Shut up, bitch boy. I swear to god, you're like a five year old." You said while rolling your eyes despite a smile forming on your face. He pouts at your statement and comes up beside you to help you finish your search for cookie mix.

After a couple minutes, you find the shelf filled with all the cookies and pick out the chocolate chip mix and the snickerdoodle mix. Before you go to check out, Tommy makes a stop at the drink cooler. He pulls out a coke and a pipeline punch monster.

You buy the drinks, cookie mixes, and ice cream and head back out to your car. You put your groceries in the back seat while Tommy plugs the aux into his phone again.

"What did you want to listen to?" He asks you.

"What about the 1975? It fits the vibe, Tommyinnit." He chuckles before going to their artist page on spotify and hitting shuffle. The song 'Paris' comes on and you smile, it being one of you favorite by the band.

You reverse out of you parking space and out of the parking lot. The windows are already rolled down, causing the mood from earlier to resume. You sing the lyrics while driving along next to the beach. You could feel Tommy's eyes on you.

"What are you looking at, bitch boy?" You say, giving him a quick look.

"Just looking at how pretty you are." He says, his body now angled towards you. You make a loud gagging sound signifying your disgust about his cheesy statement. His loud laughter sounds throughout the car as you pull off the road.

You pull over to an overlook on a cliff above the sea. The twinkling lights of Brighton far behind you. The only light is the glowing of the moon above the ocean and a couple of stars littered throughout the night sky.

"Me and Wil would come here when things got stressful. When he was stressed about streaming or when I was stressed about school we would always come out here and watch the sunset." You say, your eyes looking out onto the ocean.

Tommy nods, "I can see why it's so relaxing, you can hear the waves all the way up here." He leans back into his chair, his face still tilted towards you.

"I think you know this, Y/N, but I really really like you. I think I made it quite obvious when I kissed you before MCC." He says, blushing and rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

You laugh, "Yeah, I think I got the hint, Tommy. If you couldn't tell, I also really like you. You make me really happy even with your loud yelling." At your statement Tommy fake pouts. You laugh and face him.

"Stop, you're such a drama queen. You're gonna pout after I just told you I like you." His lips pull into a tiny smile.

"Hey, N/N, you know I'd really like to kiss you now." He said, his smile turned into a smirk.

"Oh really? I'd like you to kiss me as well, Tommy." With that Tommy closes the gap inbetween you two.

This kiss felt better than the first one, like small little fireworks going off inside of the car. He reached one hand up to cup your cheek and the other to wrap around the back of your neck, while yours went to play with his hair.

You guys stayed like this for a couple minutes, occasionally breaking apart for air. You finally pull away from him with a smile. Tommy looks flushed with a dopey, little grin on his face.

"We should do that again, yeah?" Tommy says, nodding in excitement. You sit back down into the drivers seat and let out a breathy laugh.

"No, sweet boy, we have to head back before the others start to get worried." He lets out an audible sigh at your words but reluctantly puts his seat belt back on. Once you turn the car back on, Tommy grabs your hand and starts to rub circles on the back of it.

"You know, I'm glad Wilbur let us borrow his car." Tommy says, the smirk audible in his voice. You laugh and lightly punch his shoulder.

You two continue your drive home with the 1975 playing in the background. The car was in a chill and comfortable silence.

After about fifteen minutes, you pull the car into the driveway of your house. Tommy leans back in for another kiss but before you two connect, Tommy's phone starts to ring.

"Oh, hold on let me get this." He says, forgetting his phone was still plugged into the aux.

"Tommy please. Just hear me out," A desperate sounding girl filling the speakers of the car. A small 'shit' being said by Tommy before she carried on, "I know you like me and you know I like you. So why don't you just dump your little bitch that we've been hiding from so we can finally be together."

Your eyes widen and you look at Tommy who has an 'oh shit' look on his face. You grab the key from the ignition and basically jump out of the car, slamming the door behind you.

The passenger door opens and you hear a desperate Tommy yell out; "Y/N, please, it's not like that I swear. Please just listen to me."

You stop in your tracks with your hand on the door handle. You turn around to face him, willing your tears not to fall.

"When you say you love me, Tommy, I want you to mean it." With that, you turn and slam the door behind you.

okayyyyy period. we really popped off.

anyways i really hoped you enjoyed this chapter! expect quite a few more soon, i am currently quarantined in my bedroom because i'm like 80% sure i have covid so i have a lot of time to write. pogchamp!

n e ways, i love you all and i hope you have a good night/day! <3

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