dancing in the kitchen

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I could spend a thousand nights right here inside this room
Swear the only one I want is you
And it doesn't matter what we do
We could have nothing at all
And it'd still feel like nothing's missing
We could fly around the world
But we always end up
Dancing in the kitchen

It's been a long week. You were so tired of all the stress of the days of work. Starting up your streaming channel again, on top of still doing schoolwork was starting to take a toll on you. It was the same hard work, weighing on you all hours of the day. The only thing that helped was your husband, Tommy.

You loved streaming but at times keeping up with a daily schedule was draining. There was times you could relax though. When you'd grab a glass of wine and snuggle into the couch with the tall, lanky blonde.

You two would watch your favorite tv show for a couple hours after cooking dinner and just relax in each other's company.

Everything had just gotten so busy from Tommy traveling and doing daily content, you two barely spent any time together. There was no time for your nightly routine.

You didn't want to admit how much this was bothering you. It was your favorite part of the day and it was your time to wind down with the one you loved. You tried not to show it to your significant other.

"My love, how was your day?" Tommy asked, walking into the dark living room. You had plopped down on the couch about thirty minutes ago, not getting up due to Tik Tok. You looked up from your phone when he started turning on the warm lamps of your home.

"It was alright, just tired. I know I shouldn't complain, you must be exhausted." You say to him, smiling when he haphazardly sat down next to you.

"Y/N, we're both busy. Don't put your feelings aside, silly. I am pretty tired though, I still have to go edit a couple videos. I probably won't be done until pretty late." He said, a slight frown on his face.

You tried to hide the disappointment on your face. You had hopes that tonight would be different. Maybe you two would at least could have a meal together, turns out that wouldn't be the case.

"What is it?" He asks softly, running his hand over your cheek.

"It's fine, Tommy, really. I just wanted to spend some time together. I miss you." You said looking into his blue eyes. His head cocked to the side, his brow furrowing.

"I'm sorry, my love. I know I've been busy. I've barely been home. How can I make it up to you?" He asks, regret evident on his face.

"Darling, it's completely okay," you say with a slight laugh. "You work so hard. I understand."

"Thank you for understanding, but I don't want it to be like this. I want to make it up to you." He says, his smile growing on his face.

"I don't know, Tommy. You said you had to go finish a video." You said, still hesitant over what he was about to propose.

"Please," He says as he hold out the end of the word. "We'll make your favorite dinner and watch the rest of Stranger Things. How does that sound?"

You could see the smile on his face and the genuine expression of love on his face. You couldn't turn him down.

"Sounds fun." You say with a laugh.

"You're amazing!" He exclaims, pulling you up from the couch. He pulls you quickly into the kitchen, pulling out the ingredients for your favorite dish. Your smile glued to your face.

He turns on your favorite music, that you've slowly gotten him obsessed with. With the sun just set behind the Brighton sea and the soft waves of the music floating through the air, you could spend a thousand nights in this room.

He quickly got everything together and in the oven. You realize all you could ever want was right here in the room. Your husband in your cozy little cottage next to the sea. It was perfect.

He smiled at you and quickly turned up the music. Walking over to you in a way that made you laugh, this made his smile grow more.

He grabbed you by the waist and started twirling you around your small kitchen. You giggled as he dropped you low into a dip, kissing you at the bottom. He continued to spin you around to your favorite song. The whole time both of you were staring at each other with a love struck look in your eyes.

"All I want is you, my love. I couldn't ask for anything else." He spoke quietly as the song ended.

You smiled and kissed him, continuing to dance with him throughout the night.

LOL y'all thought I was dead

no fr I just stopped watching the dream smp like a year ago and therefore stopped writing. but omg I MISS IT

like pls bring me back to 2020 is that too much to ask

a little life update, i got a boyfriend!!! we've been dating for 4 months now and i hope to marry this guy. yes he's stubborn but he's so sweet and i love him anywaysssss

how are y'all?? it's been so long I miss you all. my favorite pass time is to come read the comments it's so fun, i love all your comments

I hope you guys all liked this spontaneous chapter I wrote at 2am when I should be sleeping. pls tell me if you liked it

anyways, i love you all and i hope you have a good day/night! <3

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