let me know

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Let me know if there's something I can do to fix it
Let me know if you ever change, if you ever change, your mind
I can't promise you that I'll be waiting
But for you I'll leave anything behind
Wilbur POV

"I feel bad for her, Wil." Niki said to me after we left my sister's room.

"Me too, I swear if Tommy doesn't have a good excuse on who this Sophie girl is. I'll knock him into next week." I saw, still angry that Tommy could hurt my little sister.

"I'm sure he will. Tommy isn't a bad kid. He wouldn't do this to her, or at least I wouldn't think he would." Niki said, putting her hand on my arm.

I sigh and turn to walk down the stairs. I walk into the living room to see Tommy and Tubbo sitting on the couch together. It seemed that Tubbo was trying to cheer his best friend up by cracking stuoid jokes. Tommy was slightly smiling wiping some stray tears off his face.

"Alright, I'm ready to hear the story now." I said, breaking the two boys out of their conversation. Tommy looks up to me with wide eyes and quickly tries to clear his face of tears.

"Wilbur, I'm really sorry. Is Y/N okay? I'm really sorry." Tommy gets up and walks over to me to start telling the story.

"Okay, please listen, okay so, I'm telling the tru-"

"Tommy please stop rambling." I cut him off, laughing slightly.

"Sorry, Wilbur, so I used to have a girlfriend named Sophie right. Sh- she, ugh, I thought she was the one, you know, like you always do with your first girlfriend." I laugh slightly but he ignores me and continues.

"She dumped me because she thought I was too loud and dumb. She always thought I was stupid because I played Minecraft. She left me after I told her that I streamed on twitch. She told me that I'd never get somewhere with my streaming. We all see how that turned out." Everyone cracks a smile as his cockiness.

"Now that I've grown popular and make some money off of my twitch channel, she's been calling me and texting me about how we should get back together and that she loves me. I guess she reached a breaking point and desperately tried to get back together. That's when she called me to tell me to 'break up with Y/N'. Obviously, I'd never do that because I really like Y/N and we aren't even dating in the first place, and I would never like Sop-"

"Okay okay, Tommy. I understand." I say, stopping him from rambling again. It was all just a misunderstanding and a desperate ex. Now I just feel bad for Tommy. I looked over to Niki as she stood up from the couch.

Niki walked over to Tommy and gave him a hug and I soon joined them, Tubbo ran from the other side of the room to join in as well.

"Ew, get off of me. This family does not do group hugs." Tommy said, trying to shake all of us off. We all laugh and move off of the teenager.

"I think you should go tell Y/N the whole story. She'll believe you, Tommy." I said, hoping he'd go fix what had happened. "I'm glad I didn't have to hurt you."

"Bitch." With that, Tommy made his way up the stairs.

Your POV


"Hi, N/N." He said, as he came closer to you. "I could leave you don't want me here. I just wanted to explain."

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