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ok so this is part 2 of Safe and yes this song kinda reminds you of stuff that happened at part 1 and the song is to set the mood a bit

Sapnap jumped and went to Bad while they were falling Bad didn't want him to get hurt so he broke his fall . "Bad ? Bad !! please be okay stay with me Bad don't sleep wait there almost here " Turns out they called 911 " h hey if I don't make it then can you tell Zak something " Sapnap looked at him crying " Tell Zak that I love him as a crush" he said it nothing can change that it can't be undone . Sapnap held Bad close to him " There almost here thanks for saving me " Darryl just hugged back and blacked out

The ambulance arrived and Sapnap wasn't all that fine he broke one of his legs . Though on the other Hand Darryl was on a critical state so they rushed him to the hospital . When all of them got there Sapnap pulled Zak to talk " Hey Zak we really need to talk Bad wanted me to say this to you " Zak looked confused " He said that he loves you like a crush" . When Zak heard that it felt like he had a chance " wha what ? " Sapnap saw tears in his eyes " Hey he'll be alright he's strong but I don't know how long the doctors are gonna be in " . They walked back seeing Dream and George with a Doctor . Then the doctor walked away
George immediately cries hugging Dream they walked to them " Please tell me he's not dead " Zak with tears running down his face "He's not but we don't know when he could wake up and he somehow woke up on surgery for his skull to make sure not to cause brain damage but he went back to being unconscious though let's hope he is ok " Dream feeling worried . Darryls Mom heard the news she went there "What happened ? " Her anxiety rising Dream explained it to her " oh my goodness.. good thing you are ok Nick but I really wish he told me now..." she couldn't do anything .

A week past and all of them have visited every single day after school and each day Zak would cry . They would try to comfort him . They allowed a 3 people to stay there they decided that His Mom should be there and the others will switch from Dream and George to Sapnap and Zak . "Hey Zak we were wondering how did you met Darryl " after Dream said he immediately got flustered " I uhm * sighs * see I had a crush on him for a long time he was aswome to me I just didn't have the courage to talk to him but when we went to the clinic I asked him if he wanted to talk in lunch well I think I knew him more when the bullies locked him up I found him that is why I promised to him that I won't get hurt " they all looked at him with smirk " OK we are not talking about this " they all start laughing " Hey Sapnap what are you looking at " George said they all look " ooohhh~~ Sapnap has a crush " Zak said teasing " He looked at you Sapnap go talk to him " Dream said pushing him to the boy he bumped into him " uh sorry my name is Sapnap " the boy cheeks are red " I'm Karl nice to meet you uhm....oh do you wanna get something from the cafeteria and talk " Karl said hoping to get to know the boy better " oh I would like that " Sapnap said happily . Karl grabbed his hand which made the boy blush harder " then let's go " they start walking away . They knew that they might end up together "...welp oh yeah Its me and Sapnap's turn to go there uhm should I tell him or...." Zak said confused " Don't worry about him I'll tell him later you gotta go " George said acting like a parent " ok bye ! " Zak said while going

Time Skip by 12:00 am

He went in no one was there so he went to his bedside and held his hand " Hey Bad......we miss you " after he said that Darryl tightens his grip a bit though it wasn't new to them usually Darryl would tighten his grip when he is listening . " Bad the craziest thing happened Sapnap has a crush haha...."
He felt more guilty he is already missed Darryl's voice he hug Darryl " Please wake up..." Zak said crying . He stepped out of the room for a few seconds he saw a empty seat right next to a a blonde guy he took a seat " please be ok Wil " he whispered to himself he noticed him " oh uhm it ok if I ask you a question ? " Zak nodded in response " you seem to be upset you wanna talk about it ? " the man said being curious " oh uhm my friend hasn't woken up yet well.... we couldn't save him though he helped all of us.....I wish he would wake up fine...we both like each other and I couldn't tell him before this.... I've never seen you here ? " Zak said " oh uhm my son got into a bombing he got injured he is in a critical state " ( I don't think that the thing Wilbur did in minecraft would be appropriate so I changed it ) Zak felt bad " I hope he will be alright " Zak said hoping it will help " yeah...I never got your name is it bad to ask ? " The man seemed good " oh uhm Zak nice to meet you." Zak never got his name " Phil or what people call me Philza sometimes " they shake hands " I think we'll be here for a days so if you need anything our rooms are right next to each other " Zak nodded and wen in .

A few weeks passed he has gotten to know Philza and his family he has seen some of them in school . Though unfortunately Bad woke up but he forgotten all about Zak . Its Friday and his last attempt on making him remember " Hey Bad can come with me ?" Darryl looked at him with a smile " sure " they walked to the roof " so what do you need ? " after Darryl said that Zak kissed him suddenly all his memories come rushing back he starts crying from happiness he kisses back . after the kiss Darryl is hugged Zak " I'm sorry that I didn't tell you myself I'm sorry if you were worried I'm- " Zak cut him off " hey hey it's alright I like you too " Darryl felt happier " So are we dating ? " Zak said with a nervous smile on his face " yes of course " Darryl kissed him on the cheek . Both hoping that they will stay together forever .

Ok I'm done I worked on this for two  at nights working until 12:00 and I finished this rn ( 11:40 pm) so hope you guys like it

Stay safe and have a good day/night Memento mori 🤍🖤

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