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Ok so this has some sensitive topic I know that if I talk about it this might alarm some people . It's kinda very loosely based of something that happened before so if you ever need a friend or someone to talk to you can pm I promise I will respond and I will be changing some stuff it's winter in them and since I live in the Philippines I might get some stuff wrong

Zak had a bad dream again its was always the same . Darryl was about to hang himself before looking at him tears in his eyes " I-i can't be here anymore " then he pulls up his sleeves revealing cuts on his arms then he hangs himself . Zak woke up he never had a good night's sleep since Saturday always the same dream always the same nightmare . he checked his phone it's 5:00 he takes a shower and gets ready for school he puts on his light blue hoodie and his black converse .

He went to school but Darryl wasn't there waiting for him . But he saw bullies pushing him into the corner he went to Dream , Sapnap , George , and A6D . " Guys I need your help " all of them looked at Zak " I saw some bullies push Darryl and some other kids over there we need to help " They all nodded . Darryl was with five boys boys two of them are wearing a beanie the other two boys looked younger and one of the younger boys was being held by a boy with blonde hair ( To make it more easier its Quackity , Wilbur , Philza , Tommy ,and Tubbo ). One bully pulled out a knife and was about to stab the youngest he rushed to save the boy blocking the bully from hitting him . " Please don't hurt anyone " the bullies just laugh " oh wow a hero let's put him in his
place " the bully stabbed Darryl in the stumach Darryl fell to the ground and beat him up . The others saw including Zak Sapnap , George , and Dream got furious how could someone hurt Darryl like that " Hey hands off Darryl " Sapnap said sounding more angry because he saw Darryl unconscious " What you gonna do huh ? " . then two of the boys punched two bullies and turns out half of his group was knocked out the Sapnap and Dream beat up the last bully . " Thanks who are you guys ? " Dream said being curious " I'm Tommy this Tubbo the two boys who punched the bully over there is Quackity and Wilbur the guys over there is Philza but we call them by nickname" Zak saw Darryl with George and Philza he rushed to him hoping that he wasn't that injured but what they saw will haunt them forever ( Ps When i say loosely I mean loosely so this part isn't real and I won't go through with what haunted them bc I want you guys to imagine and the things that happened to me are on the next part)

Turns out a student council was looking at them with a teacher " Miss the bullies stabbed Darryl " The teacher was shocked she called an ambulance . The ambulance arrived and got Darryl in " Sir can the two of us join you " Zak said with Sapnap the medic nodded they got in and they saw Darryl with allot of bandages and bruises . They rushed him to the hospital after 40 minutes a doctor went out " oh you must be the boy's friends he's ok but still unconscious you guys can go check on him " The two boys rushed to the room he was fine . They sat and waited for Darryl to wake up " Guys ? " Zak and Sapnap hugged Darryl "what happened Darryl ? " Darryl explained " Darryl if you do that again I swear-" " Don't worry Zak but I will do it again " Zak just hugged him tighter " Your such an angel Bad " Darryl was a bit surprised they usually use their nicknames but he just noticed that him and Zak were using they're real names " I think we should head back to school " Darryl said " Oh shoot Dream just texted me he said that the bullies got expelled " Sapnap said with a smile . Darryl just was lost in thought ' What if they.....kinda need help ' "Bad?...Bad!" Sapnap said "Dude we need to go the principal needs to see all of us " Darryl nodded .
( and again did not happen irl )

They got back and turns out that the bullies got arrested for assault " Darryl you are a good person you see some kids would let the others get hurt but you..I have never seen a student like this before " Darryl wanted to go but all of them are expecting worse outcomes . " I suppose I would let you guys free but I can't 30 minutes of detention I'm sorry " They looked at each other it wasn't that bad . all of them went out " I'll meet you in class I have to go to the bathroom " Zak nodded going to their class ( The teacher's are the old Minecraft youtubers there teacher rn is Dantdm for the rest is captain sparkles , SSundee , Crainer )

Darryl went to the bathroom he felt like he needed to die no...he wanted to die he put a thumb tack in his mouth ( ok that one was real I watched my friend do it couldn't do anything until my teacher found out but the rest aren't l) he went to a stall he wanted to cry he felt like he wasn't needed he felt useless he grabbed something out of his hoodie it was a razor he cut himself . After that breakdowns he was about to do his last cut when ue heard the door slam open Quackity walked in Darryl put down his sleeves
Quackity looked stressed ,pissed, to confused , and in panic. Darryl heard the door slam open again it was Tommy ( I think you guys already know this one ) Darryl walked out nt wanting to disturb them he walked to the classroom he saw Mr. Dan he was always the fun one so he quite enjoyed the class.

Class ended pretty quickly . He made sure no one saw the cuts all of his friends were in a table . He wanted to sit alone but that might make his friends worry "Bad so you know the people that you saved right ? " Zak said getting a nod from Darryl " So turns out we're gonna hang out later you coming ? " Darryl thought about it at first "no sorry but I have to do something " Zak nodded .

The whole week it was the start of break Darryl felt like he wanted it all on Saturday he made his one last call " Hey Zak " Zak was happy that Darryl called him but why " I-i can't be here anymore so if you don't hear from me I want you to know.............." Darryl hanged up . Zak rushed out the cafe he went to Darryl's house he knocked on the door . It wasn't locked Zak rushed up to Darryl's room he was about to put the rope in his neck " Wait! " Darryl looked at him he revealed his cuts Zak rushed to ran to Darryl " please I don't want to lose you " before Darryl could talk the shorter boy kissed him but to his surprise Darryl kissed back " I love you so much Darryl I can't live with myself if your gone please will you be my boyfriend " Darryl nodded they share a hug .

Ok so Ummm I'm bad at oneshots
This is it I'm also writing the Fusion story a bit of changes but it's ok

Stay safe and have a good day/night
Memento mori 🖤🤍

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