Fallen Angel part 2

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ok so I think you guys know how The title is fallen angel if not then look at the end of the story

Darryl helped the boy up he seemed to be blushing a bit he thought it was cute . "uhh Bad ?" Sapnap , George , and Clay looked at you Sapnap said that to get your attention " oh I'm sorry " . after helping him he went back and tried to get them what they want . He came back with a half dozen of muffins in a box he gave it to them Sapnap was pulling out his wallet "wait" Darryl said " you don't have to pay this ones on the house" he said while smiling . " oh thanks Bad " George said " oh and we saw you blushing a bit on that boy over there" Clay said feeling smug "uhh it was nothing" Darryl was trying to defend himself " OOoooo Darryl likes him" Sapnap said jokingly . "I do not " he said trying to hide his face . "Sapnap that's rude . Anyways Bad we have to go thanks for the muffins " Clay said as they were walking out . Darryl just waved and smiled . " uhh Hey umm " the boy tried to find look away " Darryl it's Darryl nice to meet you" the taller boy said while smiling " oh umm I'm so sorry Darryl " he smiled being more fond of the boy "It's fine at least you didn't get hurt " Darryl's concern made the boy blush more "so you want anything?" the boy smiled and said "I would like a chocolate muffin and a drink I have no idea what I want so do whatever you want and my friend there wants coffee" Darryl was determine to make good chocolate muffins but he forgot something . he was about to write down his name when he forgot " oh I completely forgot uhm.... what's your name " he said a bit embarrassed "My names Zak and my friend is called Vincent " He wrote it down and went to the kitchen and he tried his best to make them look aswome so that it could make up for the awkwardness . He went outside and gave them their order ( oh yeah its like a baker / cafe but in this case they are just picking up food)"Nice meeting you have a nice day " Zak said whil he and Vincent walked out years go by and both boys grew fond of each other even having crushes on each other until ... "Zak ? " Zak had something on his mind he looked like he had cried . "Hey Zak are you ok ? " the boy started shaking a few seconds later he couldn't take it anymore he cried . was about to fall before Darryl was able to catch him he knew something was very wrong because Zak looked upset and tired the whole week but this day he looked worse . Darryl wanted to ease the pain of his friend so badly he didn't hear any more crying then he heard the door open he saw Clay , George , Nick and his Husband Karl ( again please respect their sexualities ) who have known Skeppy for 3 years have never seen him break down like this they " is he ok should we get him home" Clay mouthed to Darryl . Darryl nodded clay whispered to their other friends what are they gonna do Darryl picked Zak up bridal style they hurried into Clay's car they walked out and was able to find his keys is his hoodie they go inside and place him gently on the sofa it looked quiet a little too quit like he was living alone . He went to where Vincent's bedroom is Dream followed having the same thought as Darryl they open the door and see an empty room no traces of Vincent he had moved . No wonder he was upset he was lonely . Clay saw this also both of them felt guilty about it . a few hours past of talking about it with the others it's now 9:00 pm " I think we should go but one of us stays I think you , Darryl " Nick said with a sad smile . Darryl just sighed and nodded .  after they all said goodbye and drove off  . Zak opened his eyes and sat up Darryl noticed amd quickly  hugged him they fell Darryl was able to hold himself from falling while Zak just hit his head then he noticed he was at the bottom of Darryl (....not sexual they accidentally did that ) Darryl stood up and helped the boy like when they first met " I'm so sorry " Darryl said while his face was so red but Skeppy was also blushing Zak with the help of Darryl stood up they both sat on the couch the Darryl hugged Zak again he felt like he would lose the boy if he let go "  Zak we were worried about you . just passed out after crying please don't ever do that again" Darryl felt tears in his eyes he was so worried Zak hugged back "I'm fine now " he said while hugging him they both stopped hugging "Hey Darryl can I say something " Zak said looking at his sleeves Darryl didn't notice though he just saw sadness in his eyes " ok " after saying that Zak pulled Darryl to his room he they sat in the bed and Zak rolled his sleeves up to reveal cuts  on both of his wrist Darryl was shocked how would he do this he always saw him happy . He heard sniffles it was Zak he was crying " I'm sorry " Darryl was speechless " It's just this week has been rough and I couldn't take it after Vincent moved " Zak said he has tears in his eyes "Hey don't beat yourself up I want to stay with you for the night I don't want you hurting yourself " He said while hugging him more "I love you Darryl " Darryl looked at him surprised "uhh I'm sorry I'm sorry really didn't think you would hear that " Darryl looked at him and kissed him Zak was shocked but then he kissed back They stop " I love you too" Darryl was relieved Zak shared the same feelings as him "can we I don't know cuddle" Darryl nodded they both went under the blanket and cuddled finally a couple few more years past Darryl and Zak got married Darryl was happy he met the fallen angel  

Ok I'm done with this and it is a mouth full sorry I didn't cut it into digestible prices I noticed that too late so sorry

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