The Bridge and Two people

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Before we start this one it has a sensitive topic so I just want to say even if you don't see or think it you guys are loved and you guys are awesome and I love you guys even if we don't interact sorry it's weird and I hope this doesn't suggest anything please if you're having a rough time talk to someone . You guys can also pm me and I will respond . So let's get on with it

Edit : might take it down

Bad's pov

' I can't believe this is my last day....same as always but....I guess I can't take this anymore oh wait I forgot to say goodbye ' I pull out my phone and go to the gc and type on the words "goodbye I love you guys thanks for being here for me you guys are the best " . They were confused but only a few knew what he meant the gc was now worried for Bad . I was a bit happy because I didn't want Skeppy to see this I looked at the sunset... it's beautiful I hope it will stay that way . I don't want to be in this world anymore . I'm ready to go I'm ready to jump . just when I was about to dive into my death another person sat with me ....."S-Skeppy?"

Skeppy's Pov

'I don't know why but I'm ready to go.... I'm not depressed at all I just feel numb . I just-...everything went Bad . I guess no one ever seemed to care about my decisions . I guess it's time to leave ' I see someone familiar to me . scars on his arms looking at the beautiful sunset . I stare at him " S-Skeppy " a teary eyed Bad said . He looked awful Bags under his eyes . I look at his eyes they look so dull.."Bad?"

No one's pov

Bad looks at Skeppy in shock . Bad didn't want his best friend seeing him die . Bad looks at Skeppy trying his best to fake a smile but he it was too late " What are you doing here? " Skeppy asked worried about the one he truly loves . Bad looks at him and looks Down " I-I * sighs * I can't lie to you...listen things haven't been really good lately I decided to end it " Bad said smiling a bit . Bad looks at Skeppy
" How about you what brings you here ? " Skeppy just looks at Bad a bit nervous " Same as you..." Bad looks very worried . " well not as bad as yours but please don't do this Bad . you know better than this...If you die I wouldn't be able to live with myself . " Bad smiles but Skeppy knew he wad faking it .

The sun was now bright orange how beautiful it is Bad sits in the railing .

"It's my time to leave Skeppy thanks for making my last day a little better " Bad said tears in his eyes he took off jis glasses and jumped " Bad no wait! "

" Bad ! "

Skeppy sat on the railing he can't live without Bad so he jumped

Meanwhile in the Dream smp discord channel or call idk

" Bad sent that text what does he mean " Puffy says worried about his friend's well being . He heard someone join it was Bad he must have accidentally pressed something to get into the call . everyone was there except Skeppy odd . " Bad! thank God your here we were so worried " Eret said concerned . " Guys I think Bad doesn't hear us " Dream said now making sure everyone noticed . "It's my time to leave Skeppy thanks for making my last day a little better" Bad said after " Bad no wait! " Skeppy said after then it went silent for a bit "Bad!" Skeppy said which surprised everyone it went silent for a few minutes then they hear a splash . " Guys I don't think that they weren't messing around.... " George said he had a very sad tone in his voice .

" SOMEONE CALL 911 !!! " Sapnap said now worried " on it ! " George said in response . " I knew I should have been there to help him " Sapnap said . " Wait you knew about this !?!? " Sam said he couldn't see past Bad's happy like persona . " Yeah well only the part about Bad I don't know about Skeppy....I tried everything to cheer him up but all he wanted to see was us being happy even if it up his happiness " Sapnap said they all went silent . " Well c'mon guys how about some of us go to Bad and Skeppy " Quackity said trying to brighten up the mood . " Yeah I can go " Dream said " Yeah let's go " Puffy said a bit excited . a few more people agreed they were Sam , Quackity , Eret , and George . " We won't let them be sad any longer we do this for Bad and Skeppy! " Dream said " For Bad and Skeppy! " the rest responded

Now let's go back to Bad and Skeppy

They were plumitting to their deaths . Bad was satisfied that ge got to end on a happy note finally meeting his friend or what he called his crush. He felt someone hugging him it was Skeppy " Darryl I want to say this before we die " Bad looked at Skeppy he never used his real name only if it was serious . " I love you Darryl " Skeppy said he tightened his grip on Bad . before they knew it they are now in the water Bad . Bad hugs Skeppy he loses his breath he tried to save Skeppy from this watery death. But

This is the end........

for now.....

ok there you go Sorry it's a bit short there will be a part two and I really think that this will be good

But I think I'm running out of ideas so hopefully I will make more stories

oh and Do you guys wanna know what this says?

man it looks horrible wish I made it a bit more neater but it was 11:30 and I was very tired

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

man it looks horrible wish I made it a bit more neater but it was 11:30 and I was very tired

it says : Hi my name is Dylan .

Hahaha yup my name is Dylan and I'm currently working on the next part of this story

Stay safe and awesome
Have a good day or night

Skephalo oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora