My Sweetheart's Piano

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Ok Before I start I wanna say Go sub to Kitsickles they are a cool artist and this is his animation I will be basting it off of the animation though it starts in the ball they are dancing to

Edit : Yeah uhm I might go over 1,000

Darryl preferably would like to be called Badboyhalo or Bad for short was invited to a ball . The Diamond families ball Along with his friends but now he was left alone . He has underwent a solo mission to take down a army of their enemy he was never to be seen for 14 days . He remembered what happened . Dream , Sapnap , and George were sent to find him almost dead and very injured it caused him to have PTSD

Prince Zak or he prefers the name Skeppy was making his way to the general Bad was about to run " wait ! " the prince grabbed Bad by the wrist Bad got a slit on his wrist yesterday that he almost died from but thankfully his powers were enough to keep him alive for backup to come he hissed at the contact " w-what can I do your majesty ? " almost crying from the pain . Prince Skeppy notices " are you alright you look in pain " Bad just smiles faking it . He doesn't want the prince to see his hideous scars and make him worried " I'm alright what do you need your highness ? " Skeppy just smirks " May I ask you for a dance ? I've been interested in you for while " as soon as he said that a new song was playing . Bad just blushes and smiles he nodded in response . " Great and perfect timing I like this song " Bad now realised what song it was it was his favorite song .

Skeppy grabs Bad's hand and all of them stop to look at them Skeppy grabs Bad's hips they hold each other hand while Bad puts his other hand on Skeppy's shoulder they start slow dancing . Bad starts singing " My sweethearts piano is rat-filled " Skeppy notices " and mine is infested with bugs " Skeppy says the second part they sang together " The music we make is unnatural , But it sounds just like falling in love " They stop dancing Bad rushes to a balcony he can't take the eyes watching him

Bad's pov

' I can't take this . The Dance was good and all and Prince Skeppy is kinda cute- Wait What !?! ....but the people looking at us it reminded me I don't want to think about that ' tears rolling down my face . I felt a hand on my shoulder I pull out my sword to see who it was

It was Prince Skeppy...I lowered down my sword I feel like crawling in a hole and dying

No one's pov

" Hey what's wrong ? " Bad just looks down . One of his Friends Clay preferred to be called Dream walked up to the prince " Your highness may I talk to you about Bad " they walk out . " Listen Prince Skeppy uhm....Bad is one of the best generals in your military but our commander sent him on a solo mission to take down a nearby army he went missing for two weeks we had to rescue him he just got back two days ago " Dream said Skeppy has gain allot of interest in the Boy . so Dream had to tell him " So please if you like Bad then be there for him " Dream walked away he didn't go to Bad

Skeppy thought that Dream is going there so that he could comfort Bad instead He goes to Bad . Bad was staring out the balcony Skeppy noticed that he was crying he hugged him " Sorry for making you feel uncomfortable I just really want to get to know you and...I kinda think your... cute " Bad looks at him " It's ok Your Majesty ". Skeppy takes Bad's hand and kisses his knuckles ( Is that how you say it? idk ) " please call me Skeppy " Bad was flustered "o-ok " They both walk to the ballroom .

Sadly the Ball already ended " I'll see you soon Bad " Skeppy said Bad doesn't know why he meant soon but he just nodded and went on his way .

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