Happy endings don't exist....?

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Ok soo I ran out of ideas to name this so uhm please if you guys want me to rename stuff please leave your suggestions here

and idk if this is considered Skephalo anymore so I will put a heads up

" Skeppy will you...marry me ? " Bad said Skeppy looked at him . He sighs knowing that this will hurt him " I'm sorry but....no to be honest I think we should split" Bad stood up his eyes were glossy . But he kept his smile " I understand thank you for being honest " Bad hugged Skeppy and Skeppy hugged Bad " you could have the apartment " Skeppy nodded . Bad packed his stuff and went to his car he called Dream who picked up " H-hey Dream " Bad was breaking down " Hey you ok? " Bad let out a sob "  uhm can I stay at your place for the night" Dream a bit more worried said yes .

When Bad got there he knocked in Dream's door . Dream opened in his door to see one of his closest friends in tears " I'm sorry for the short notice " Bad said smiling while tears streamed down his face . " Hey it's fine I just wanna know why you're upset on the phone ? " Bad smile fades away " He-he said no " Dream hugged Bad " C'mon let's go inside first let's talk about it " Bad nodded they go inside to see George walking over to them . He looks at Bad with worry He looks at Dream and gave him a nod Dream nods back

All of them take a seat Bad was shaking " Bad can you explain everything? " Bad broke down completely " si-since me and Skeppy have been together for years I-I though it was time he....*sniffles*he wanted to break up " Dream and George were shocked they never thought Skeppy and Bad would break up they seemed so close . They hugged Bad " How about I wake up Sapnap then let's have some fun " Dream said trying to cheer up Bad . He smiled and nodded in response " Then let's go! " George said running up the stairs . Dream and Bad talked for a while

" Hey Bad ! " Sapnap ran down to hug Bad . " I swear to god Sapnap of you fucking trip in the stairs it will be your fault " George yelled which made Bad giggle " Ay Language ! " Bad said still giggling . Dream wheezes " how about we watch movie ? " Dream asked they hummed in response " Hey Bad wanna make some muffins if it helps you feel better ? " Bad felt happy " sure " . Bad  and Dream walk into the kitchen  " can I help you Bad ? " Dream asked fiddling with his fingers . " Sure Dream " Dream gets out the ingredients " Hey uhm what should I make Blueberries or Chocola..OH MY GOODNESS I LEFT RAT AT THE APARTMENT " Dream looks at Bad and chuckles . " Guess we have to do a rescue mission " Dream said  smiling .

Bad and Dream went back to the living room " ok guys we have a rescue mission " Dream said Bad is  panicking " Who are we rescuing ? " George said " Rat " Sapnap looked at Dream  " Oh my god well let's go then " Sapnap said . They hop in Dream's car and drives to Bad's apartment .

Sapnap got out " Hey I'll go get him instead Sapnap I don't want you to get in this mess " Bad said . Sapnap sighs " I'll be fine Bad and I'm not letting you near Skeppy for now got it ? " before Bad could say anything the car door slams shut .

  Sapnap's pov

I walk to take the stairs tp their apartment and knock on the door . Skeppy opens it he didn't look sad at all . He even has a girl with him ' what ?!?! he left Bad for this girl what is wrong with him she not even remotely close to what Bad is !  ' . "uhm who is this Skeppy ? " I try to hold my anger and keep my composer  . Skeppy looks at him happily " oh uhm this is my * kisses her on the forehead * girlfriend " ' How the actual fuck can this guy get a girlfriend after he broke up with him ' . " So when did you guys meet ? " . Skeppy still with a smile ' oh your a dead man ' " it's been a few months we went in dates "

I snapped " What the actual fuck is wrong with you dude ?!?! " The girl was dumbfounded and went away I push Skeppy to the ground . " you have been with this girl for months and you didn't even bother telling Bad!?! you left him for this girl didn't you even consider Bad anymore !? " Skeppy was almost in tears " ohoho you don't get to cry Skeppy Bad broke down because of you he really loves you Skeppy " I let out a sigh of disappointment " W-wait he's crying about me ? " I nod ' HOW DENSE IS HE ?! ' " yes of course what'd you expect ? he was willing to give up his own life for you " I look away for a few seconds something doesn't feel right but I shrugged it off " god this better be a fucking prank Skeppy " I say harshly " I better not see Bad crying because of you " I gran him by the collar " got it "

I drop him and call for Rat she eventually comes to me I pick her up " .... * scoffs * your actually crying I'm sorry but you've hurt Bad enough I'm not sure how he can deal with you so can you please tell me the is a prank  " he sighs " I planned a date for him tomorrow actually I payed allot of money for that place I just need to set it up because " Skeppy pulled out a jewelry box and opened it there was a ring with a ruby ' I hope Bad will like  this '  " I will propose I just didn't think this through I'm sorry also George and Dream know....also your two boyfriends " I was shocked " B-but who was that " Skeppy giggles " don't you recognize her she's my sister she pretended to be my girlfriend because we had to make the prank foolproof " we talked for a bit he told me to help out so I will

Time Skip brought to you by
The Canon we also have one

Skeppy's Pov

' I can't believe I'm doing this I hope I didn't hurt him so much that he might start crying '   Bad shows up he looked amazed " w-what ? but I thought " Bad was on the verge of tears . I come up to him and hold his hand while brushing his hair to the side " What after all these years you'd think I leave you " I kiss him " you were the best thing that ever happened to me I won't leave you for anyone "  Bad was flustered . I didn't even notice how he dressed a red dress shirt that fitted him very nicely ' how cute yup this is the man I wanna be with forever ' 

" Hey do you wanna know why I said no ? " he nodded I was now down on one knee " Because I thought you were so perfect that I don't deserve you I panicked and sait we should break up though " I pull out the jewelry box . And opened it " Badboyhalo will you be my one and only husband ? you mean everything to me Bad so...yeah " I'm nervous ' what if he says no what if he actually leaves me '  . " ofcourse I do you muffinhead " Bad was so happy . I give him pecks all over his face he giggles " hahaha stop it Sgeppy " I stop and giggle " Bad I love you so much " Bad kisses me on the forehead ' Yes definitely the person who I want to be with forever '  " I love you too "

No one's pov

They didn't notice that The Dream team was watching them . Along with Quackity , Karl , and Tommy " Whooo Pog ! " Tommy yelled the rest of the sleepy boys walk in . Skeppy and Bad turn a deep shade of red " aww Tommy you ruined the moment " Wilbur said while messing up Tommy's hair . " Well you two lovebirds done bc we also wanna have this picnic we help set up so " Skeppy giggles more " Sure come on it's almost sunset "

Bad and Skeppy are happily Married everyone enjoyed the sunset Skeppy whispers " I love you Bad always " Bad laid his head on Skeppy's shoulder enjoying the moment .

Ok How are everybody's day ?

sorry if I haven't been updating recently I was trying to work  stories in this book that I didn't publish . I might publish them if you want

also I might tell you guys something that might interest you soon

Stay safe and awesome
Have a Great Day and Night
Memento mori !

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