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April 1st
10:55 pm

Reader Pov

"Please don't make it seem like what you've done won't affect my daughter's state of mind." I spoke in a shivering tone, because no matter how I calm myself from all of this, my nerves are about to pop at any moment, I had to clench my jaws to suppress it.

"That's the plan." The old man said so casually. As if she's not his flesh and blood. It hurt a bit but I reckon that's because he sees my entire being as a mere peasant and weak nobody. "Children should be exposed to the extremes to learn in a fast pace."

"No one asked you to train my child!" I eventually exploded and sent sharp glares at Silva as soon as he attempted to hold my arm, "Sylvia is mine! I won't let anyone of you torture her for whatever reasons!" I was about to conjure multiple swords for distraction when I felt two warm hands enveloped my right forearm.

"Please don't be mad." Sylvia lowered her head and dropped the bomb in the smallest voice I've ever heard coming from her, "I'm staying mom."

"What?" I hunkered down and checked her facial expression if that's really her talking, "but why? You can't trust anyone here... they're gonna hurt you."

"I know... but I also get bullied by some kids in school and I want to learn how to fight."

I am completely shocked. First, I had no idea she's being picked on and that anyone would actually hurt her. She's like the nicest kid in our  neighborhood. "Sylvia, I can teach you—"

"I have to do this mom. The hard way." She looked at me with puppy eyes, begging for my consent. That gesture squeezed my heart into a pulp, because I'm fully aware that this is the biggest mistake she'll ever make. However, I promised to give her the freedom to decide even though she's still a minor so that she wouldn't feel constricted under my wing.



The next day...
6:00 am

Reader Pov

My temples are still throbbing from lack of sleep and Sylvia's eyes were only halfway open when we've arrived and sat on our big chairs, both at the farthest end despite the fact that no one else was sitting in some areas.

I'm aligned with the adults I'm assuming based on age with the exception of the head of the Zoldyck state—Silva; the single person owning the corner right side of the long, thick piece of ceramic table and unfortunately, my chair was right next to Kikyo, opposite of him.

The air was extremely suffocating and I've tried my best to stop yawning, however, it's quite hard to, since Silva and I had a private long argument last night with our looping reasonings that won't meet in between, until his trusted female elder butler named Tsubone carrying my sleeping daughter called us to ask if she should bring her into one of the guest rooms.

I'm still raging deep inside but I had no other choice. Stay or leave and the second one isn't an option in my vocabulary. Whatever happens, I'll make sure there's no unnecessary pressure and pain inflicted on her or this outrageous deal is off.

"Illumi, since they're still new to the family, you will have to teach them how to say grace."

My thoughts were poked by Zeno ordering his grandson—which I only heard of; a few minutes earlier—the moment that young, female butler named Amane called us for breakfast. She also mentioned that there will be specific seating positions due to the family ranking system, which apparently we have to abide.

Not to mention, hearing about the fact that Silva had five children just astounded my whole being. I'm still confused on a lot of things but Illumi interrupted my train of thoughts as soon as he started praying out loud.

"Bless us of thy feast which we are about to receive, from thy bounty of our generous clients. May it continue for the next generations to come."

He's not referring to Sylvia isn't he? I thought as I've attempted to catch Silva's attention to ask him through my questioning gaze, yet he just moved his widening eyes towards my right side, where Kikyo was offering a hot plate of marbled steak with caramelized rings of onions on the side.

"Thank you—"

"Kikyo, let me have that. (Y/N) is vegan." Silva raised the bowl of fresh salad, waiting for her to oblige.

"I can eat—"

"No, you're vegan from now on."


I apologize for the late post and I can't respond right now. I hope you'll enjoy and I'm very grateful for the people who genuinely support my writing and hardwork. Thank you so much. Keep safe and have a nice day/night.

Third Party (SilvaZoldyckxFemale!Reader) 18+Where stories live. Discover now