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A/N: Sorry I had to censor what our baby Killua was holding to prevent WP from coming at my neck again. No disrespect to the amazing artist who owns the photo above.

I apologize for the late update too. I was too busy streaming and omg to Ami, our boys finally achieved no. 1 on Hot100. Thanks to all your hardwork! 🔥💜

*Will edit the recent dates as soon as I get to breathe*

July 10th
2:55 pm

Reader Pov

"Don't worry little man." I smiled and gently tapped Killua's shoulders, "I'll be here to support you."

"(Y/N), are you going to fight too?" He asked and I replied with with a nod.

"Of course I won't let you go in a battlefield alone. If things go south, just keep avoiding their attacks and score as many hits as you can." I said that with another fake smile, because in truth, even though I have no freaking idea of this kid's skillset, my knees are shaking for him. He's literally about to face a giant, which I doubt he can defeat without having a nen ability. "Now go and do your best."

"Remember, you can surrender if you feel unendurable pain. Weapons aren't allowed in this ring. Ready?! Set, fight!"

I admit my heart fluctuated as Killua approached the big guy. The kid's as tall as the walking Buddha's knee and I couldn't imagine him surviving that chunk of fat—if that arm manages to hit him in full force.

"Go on kid, show me your moves." He mocked and I bit my lip in joy. Killua, this is your chance! I thought while searching for the weakest spot. Their legs. With all that weight, it's easy to topple them down and earn good points. I just hope Killua knows what to do.

The audience roared in surprise when Killua pushed the bald man's stomach and he went flying to the opposite side, earning him an instant 50th floor mark. I couldn't contain my happiness with his achievement and forgot I wasn't suppose to congratulate him on the ring.

I just blindly ran with tears in my eyes and scooped his small body up to hug tightly in the middle of the huge crowd, like a proud mom.

"You did great! I'm so proud of you!" Killua was all smiles and it was infectious. "I'm so glad you are now able to go back home."

"Not yet." He casually said and climbed down. "My dad said I need to reach at least 200th floor first."

What the—I almost choked hearing that. I now know Killua had the adeptness to fight his way on top but not every opponent is as dumb as the first guy. Some could be very well plotting some tricks to defeat his child after that show. What were you thinking Silva?

But of course, I have no right to get in the way. It was my life this boy has saved and in return, he's paying for it with his own. I didn't think this idea could devastate me even more than the first time I've heard of it.

Fortunately, Killua actually continued rising higher without much effort until he gained the 100th floor status within a week. Meanwhile, I'm about to fight a muscular opponent who had the people's bets riding on his cocky ass.

"Hey babe! You're too cute to be battling on a ring! Why don't you surrender right now and let's just continue this on the bed later?!" The long-haired blonde full of heart tattoos yelled and the disgusting crowd supported his suggestion.

I just smirked at him. He gestured for me to proceed and sent me a wink. I tried to compose myself and flirt with him through my gaze, till I've shortened our gap to half a meter. I wrapped my arms around his toned waist, beeline to my chest and kicked his crotch a second later.

Loud gasps and murmurs filled the arena at first, but they eventually turned into thundering applause as soon as one person from the top seating position started it.

"You bįtch!" He attempted to slap me as soon as the narrow-eyed prick got to stand up. However, I was faster than him. His nape was open for assault so I struck that part with my hand and he fell unconscious after that.

It was so silent while the referee was announcing my first win, despite the result of me climbing up to 100th floor using a simple but impressive move. I only shrugged my shoulders and checked on Killua's next schedule.

I must teach him that move for his future fights.

"Congratulations (Y/N)!" The silver-haired kid welcomed me as soon as he opened the door and asked me if I already received my money.

"Not yet, why?" I got baffled at the sight of countless empty boxes all over the carpeted floor, marked with a some kind of robot.

"Um... I still want to eat chocolate but I ran out of money." He explained with every other word fading away. I have a strong feeling that those boxes were snacks but if this precious cinnabun wants it, I have no choice but to give it. He deserved everything anyway.

"Alright. But don't forget to brush your teeth before bed."

"Yay! I love you (Y/N)! You're the best!"

I giggled and was about to leave the room to get my earnings when a news from the flatscreen tv at the corner broke the cartoons he was watching.

"News flash! One male participant at the Heavens Arena is found dęad on the way to get treatment. The ambulance and medical staffs weren't harmed but they testified that someone unrecognizable crushed the vehicle's doors and did something to the patient in a split second. Later in the hospital, the doctors found out that his heart was missing and not a drop of blood on sight."

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