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A/N: Important⚠️

I finally found a way to incorporate some readers' request here to connect Hisoka to Zeno.

That concept is a NonCanon so beware and please wait until everything unfolds but if you're too confused, you can just ask me.

Sorry for the delay and thank you for your support.^^


>>>I also wrote the canon episode where Hisoka fought a scarface man to be shown first in the previous chapter even though it was the last part in HxH episode so that I can give Hisoka and Yn some time to bond on this chapter.

April 4th
6:16 am

Reader Pov

"Where did you even get that ridiculous idea?" I widened my eyes at him in disbelief.

"Someone told me a theory."

"Well you're wrong." I simply said and moved away from him. Something pulled me back and a few arrows launched from my left to the wall on the other side. I mentally cursed at myself for forgetting I'm in a dangerous place just because Hisoka is keeping my head preoccupied.

"You're welcome." Hisoka quickly added which pushed me to suppress the urge to speak my gratitude and keep my distance. However, like a flower being singled out by a persistent bee, he continued to follow me down the long and winding cement staircase right after the door slid down.

It took a couple of minutes to reach the lowest level and it was dark and slimy, so I activated my Gyo to sense what's hiding beyond. I was never been this terrified as extremely as when Sylvia got abducted, the moment I've realized I'm in a den of a certain type of dangerous reptile. Snakes.

They were crawling all over the place and just hearing them hiss has already caused goosebumps to run over my nape. "These things are being manipulated. Don't hesitate to kįll them before they get to you."

"I know." I said so confidently but my knees are shaking. I had a bad trauma from them back when I was a little girl where a couple of aggressive snakes with strong poison surrounded my bed in a cabin at the woods.

A passing male guard helped me get rid of them and pulled me out of the bed but not until one of those managed to stung me on the outer side of my left bare foot. If the said guard didn't know how to keep the poison from spreading, I would've dįed that day.

And now, with the possibility of an allergic reaction, I have to face my worst fear in a cramped and dark space with the worst partner available.

"Hiss!" I nearly choked from the puff of wind that blew next to my right ear from behind and the snake that had been sliced by Hisoka's card smashed onto the brick floor. Thanks to Hisoka's stretchable nen, the image can clearly be seen but unfortunately, even with my Gyo, I couldn't see every single one from all directions.

Hisoka on the other hand was busy taunting the huge beast and was constantly moving to probably keep it's fangs off of his skin. I used that as an advantage and hid on it's back to prevent other snakes to catch me off-guard.

However, it's getting too overwhelming as seconds pass by so I had to make a major decision at once. That is to conjure massive amounts of needles and threw them on all corners, hoping to hit everyone simultaneously yet not overly aggressive to end up wiping them all.



"You seemed surprised. Did you hope to include me in your outburst?" Hisoka chuckled and just like that, the next door opened and finally we got some light, no matter how small the lamp was at the middle of the ceiling on yet another steep and winding staircase.

"I'm not gonna lie it'll make my life easier." I intended to sound cold so that he would lose interest, but catching a glimpse of his bleeding left side broke the wall I've built between us in an instant.

"Damn it..." I muttered as I climbed back up a few flights of stairs to move his reddening pink waist band lower. My needle is still stuck on his pale skin and the błood kept seeping out. "Sorry..."

"I thought you're planning to undress me—"

"Shut up." I shoved the handkerchief into his mouth and prepared to pull the needle out. It was slippery so I had to wrap it with the hem of my black shirt. As soon as it's out of the way, I took my handkerchief off of his smirking lips and tied it around his tight waist to seal the wound.

"Thanks. I appreciate the efforts." Hisoka warm breath fanning my forehead made me realize how close our faces have been. "This is actually the first time someone cared. And it makes me feel better that it's you."

"Perhaps if you stop terrorizing random people, you'd get the attention you're craving for."

"I see." He just grinned and it annoyed me even more. "So if I stop terrorizing you, I'll get the attention I'm craving for?"

"Don't push your luck." I replied and sent him a glare. Which was a mistake because I got to stare on his amber yellow eyes that glowed as the similar shade of light bounced at them and it temporarily captivated me.

I haven't thought about brushing our lips just because of that yet somehow, it happened in a split second and I've never felt more embarrassed in my whole life after withdrawing from his plump and soft lips.

"You could've gone further than a teenager's kiss (Y/N)." He said so seriously, it's made me blush for some reason.

"In your dreams." I retorted and rushed downstairs without looking back.

To my surprise the door won't open like it used to be. The reason was there are buttons on both walls next to it and two people need to make the same decision to cross the border, as stated by the Examiner using the speaker.

And Hisoka isn't moving from atop the staircase, as if time isn't running out through this phase. I had to go back and help him walk because they gave me no choice.

"I knew you'd come back for me." He cooed on my right ear when I supported him to stand up.

"Stop talking or I'll push you down to speed this up."

He chuckled and tightened his grip on my shoulder. "I don't mind. In fact, I had the same idea. This just shows great minds think alike."

He spoke like it was a joke but when he suddenly threw himself on the steep slope along with me, it dawned on me that he's even crazier than I thought.

Damn it, I shouldn't have treated him. Things go wrong when I get too close to this weirdo.

Third Party (SilvaZoldyckxFemale!Reader) 18+Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant