🦅 L: Sleepover (3)

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And along with it, Ushijima Wakatoshi remembers.

You were a scaredy cat.


Oh no.

You see the door to the room Ushijima was in, open quietly and the man peeks from behind the door. 

You could see the time on the wall, noticing that it was past 9.

The athlete looks at you temporarily. You have brought a pillow and was wearing his shirt as your sleepwear. You were practically looking around anxiously and he inwardly shakes his head as you look like a child who couldn't sleep.

"Is this fine?" You whisper and he nods.

"Are you sure?" You ask in a low voice, trying to make sure again.

"Is it really okay?" You ask again and he nods. This time, with a sigh as he knows full well why you were being this skeptical.

You were going to sleep at his room for tonight after all.

"Where will I sleep?" You ask and he points at the lower bunk.

You nod, knowing full well it was where he was originally sleeping in, then...

"Where will you sleep?" You ask and he thinks about it. 

Then he suddenly stops short.

He glances up, seeing Reon sleeping like the whole world was at peace on the upper bunk. And the athlete knows full well how his former teammate was such a heavy sleeper.

But then again, there was the big question... where will he sleep?

Ushijima Wakatoshi had forgotten about that part.

And you realized as you saw the blank expression on his face.

The Little and the Giant (Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن