XXX: Misunderstandings

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Ushijima Wakatoshi is frustrated.

The force in the athlete's spikes had said it all.

The members of the Schweiden Adlers looked at him in question. His movements screamed of tension— tension he was releasing with every spike. And it was something they have never seen him do. Sure, Ushijima Wakatoshi has always been a serious volleyball idiot. But this was different. The weight of the force of his hands made the ball almost disfigured at impact.

And the slam of the ball towards the floor screamed of something they rarely see the athlete be— in a state of unreleased frustration.

He glared as he finished spiking ball after ball, the entire thing making him almost unapproachable.

"Is he fine?" One of the players asked.

"Is this because of his recent breakup?"

"They broke up? With the really cute girl?"

"Yup, though it was still a few weeks ago before it happened."

"He must be a late bloomer even in breakups then."

(A/N: no he isn't)

"Probably. Let's leave him be for now. He needs to cool down."

"He's been like that ever since he arrived though???"

The other members talked about it, speculating on a lot of things. This was new, very new. They were thinking of a reason. It couldn't have been his recent breakup. In fact, he performed better after his recent breakup after all. Then  they realized another factor.

It all started ever since he went back to Japan three days ago. They looked at each other before nodding. They've promised to let him cool off but it was a different matter if it started ever since he arrived at the gym. Oh well, curiosity really killed the cat.

"Everything okay, Wakatoshi?" one of them started to ask..

The stoic athlete looks at them as he wipes the sweat off his face with a towel and he nods. Until the guy questioning him stopped short and the he blinked, trying to figure out if he had seen it right.

The Little and the Giant (Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now