🦅 LXXVI: Boss Reveal (2)

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A/N: Censored stats to keep the OP-ness lmao 

"Lara Claire Romero." Yachi Hitoka reads it aloud for everyone else. She was holding a tablet, reading it out from the net and you were just standing at the corner with Ushijima who was listening in. 

It feels strange to listen at your full name. It wasn't something you always do yourself either. You've been accustomed to introducing yourself as Claire all this time and the mention of your real name and one that you were famous for just feels bizarre for some reason. But she was saving you the trouble, informing everyone else for you so might as well let Hitoka-chan.

"Brazilian national athlete." She starts off and you only stood there, the boys immediately blinking and looking at each other.




You totally get it as you inwardly nod. You don't look like you came from Brazil after all and that was fine. Though, you kind of wished you knew what Hitoka-chan was saying next. 

"x olympic golds." she says and you beamed. Then you nod casually, remembering it. But the kids only looked at you once again.



"She's won that many times in 2 olympics???" They estimated but they only stared at the announcer.

"...That's just the start?" one of them asks and Yachi Hitoka replies with a teary nod as she continues.

"xx time national champion, multiple sports participated in."

"xx wins in 3 world cups for both Youth and an actual world cup, multiple sports participated in."

"Repertoire extends from soccer, beach volleyball, badminton, tennis, track, swimming, gymnastics, taekwondo, archery..." and she continues on and on.

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