XIII: Chat messages

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It was a school tradition— the long weekends before the start of the intramurals was usually a hell week. Norrie had informed you that she was cramming her requirements today and she was always fond of procrastinating in your house. So you welcomed her with the most comfortable pair of clothing you currently have. 

"That's a pretty large hoodie you got there." Norrie said the moment she entered the gate.

She narrowed her eyes as she glanced at you. The hoodie was big enough to reach your knees and it was practically emphasizing your already short stature even more. To add, you had your natural hair loose and you didn't even bothered to tie it up, the long length accentuating your stature even more.

"Thanks. I stole it." You say with a yawn.

"What." She asked dumbfounded and she stopped short before realizing a thing or two. 

"It's from Ushijima, isn't it?" She said with a cocky grin and you rolled your eyes.

"How'd you know that?" You asked her.

"Hoodies you've stolen from your ex ain't as big as the one you're wearing, sweetie." She said with a smug expression and you raised an eyebrow. 

"If you're a size S, boys you used to date usually were a size S-M." She said and you eyes widened at the facts being told straight to your face. "Of course, the size is unfortunately similar to their peepees." She fakes a frown before the two of you burst down laughing. 

"That thing's probably a size XL... or XXL." she says but you only looked at it. It was comfy and you had put it immediately on the laundry after he lent it to you a couple of days ago. 

"Well have you gotten permission to steal it?" she suddenly asks.

"Not yet. I'm gonna chat him." You say and brought out your phone.

"He has a facebook account?" she asks in curiosity and you nod.

"What's his profile like?" She asks and you showed it to her as an answer. You see the excitement in her face immediately vanish.

"Ah. It's a picture of a volleyball." She said with a dead expression. "Disappointed but not surprised." 

She looks at the message you've typed out and frowns when you pressed send. "That's all you're going to send?" She raised an eyebrow and you looked at her, confused. 

"Well, what else should I send?" You pouted. She suddenly stole your phone and did something. You may be more physically fit than your friend, but Norrie has this speed you couldn't catch up to if it's something that was gossip material. Her willpower for juicy stories and anything that could lead to that sometimes overpowered your athletic abilities.

You immediately took your phone back, immediately scanning if something was wrong. And your eyes widened upon seeing it. She actually sent a photo. 

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