"I'm not coming with you! Not until you tell me what's going on." Haden stood his ground.

"You want to get french fried? Not my problem." Keir seethed and walked to the balcony.

"Selene won't forgive you if you leave me here." Haden yelled in panic when Keir was getting ready to jump.

He ignored him and dangled his legs to the other side of the railing, ready to take a dive into the lake.

He halted and released an exasperated sigh. "Son of a swine!" He cursed and pulled himself back, running towards Haden.

"Can you swim?" He asked cutting off the binds around his wrists.

"What?" Haden asked in confusion but later answered. "Yes."

"Good. Let's go."

Keir dragged him to the balcony while Haden protested.

"But my house.." He trailed off, looking at it one last time.

"I'll build you a fucking castle if we're alive!"

With that Keir shoved him off the balcony and Haden landed right into the water.

Keir heard the timer beep, as the seconds counted down to zero.

"Fucking Hell!" He gritted and jumped off. The loud blast and the fire followed right after him.

It almost got to him, fortunately he plunged into the water saving himself from the fire.

As soon as he dived in, it became impossible for him to come up. The blasted lake house collapsed down, trapping him under the water, blocking him from resurfacing.

The wet ruins and cut glass clogged together piercing their way into his skin, pushing him further down the water.

He tried kicking them off but the lack of sufficient breath prior to the dive, made him weak. He could feel water slowly sneaking its way into him.

With one last kick to the burning planks he broke free and gasped filling his lungs with air again. But much water was already inside him, turning him weaker by minute.

He couldn't stay afloat, his legs felt like they would fall off.

A strong wave hit him from behind shoving him directly into the sharp planks.

His chest burned as his lungs constricted. His head felt like it could explode, everything hurt at that moment. When his body started to give up, he felt a sharp pull from one side. He let the force drag him away before his eyes shuttered off.

The next moment he opened his eyes, he came in face to face with Haden looming over his body.

Once the air went in, the water gushed out of his body. Keir gagged his guts out, feeling his stomach wretched. He was at least grateful for the strong dry ground beneath him.

Haden inhaled sharply and leaned tiredly onto the boulder behind him while Keir continued coughing and gagging out the leftover lake water.

"You're alive! I dreaded that I had to give you a mouth to mouth manoeuvre." Haden twisted his face in disgust.

Keir stopped coughing and copied a similar expression.

"I'd rather stay dead." He scorned.

"Oh? You can hear me? I thought the blast turned you deaf."

Keir grimaced, "Unfortunately, no."

He then looked at the sky, "What time is it?"

"4:30. You were in and out of your beauty sleep for hours."

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