Chapter 19 | Diana

Start from the beginning

"I shouldn't have been so careless and let my drink get drugged."

"Dianna, look at me. None of this was your fault, no matter how you put it. It's that son of bitch's fault that all of this happened in the first place." I start to get angry at the thought of what that piece of shit tried to do to the girl that I love. It makes me sick to stomach to think about how someone could do something like that. We both looked down at her bandaged arm. I grab her hands and hold them tight in my hands. "I don't want you to be embarrassed ok? I love you, and I want to be there for you so this doesn't happen again. I know it may have seemed like the only way to cope with how your feeling at the time. Next time you feel that way, promise to tell me so I can help ok?" 

"Ok," I help her hop off of the counter and wrap my arms around her. From here on out I want to be there for her through everything. I hate seeing her like this, it tears my heart to pieces. I want her to be happy, that's all I have ever wanted. 

"You wanna go finish your movie?" She flashes a quick grin and nods. We lay tangled in each other's warmth, illuminated by the TV light. It doesn't take long before she dozes off in my arms. A stay there for a moment studying every detail of her beautiful face as if I was never going to see it again. I switch the TV off and hug her tighter before closing my eyes and falling asleep to the rhythm of Dianna's soft, warm breath on my neck. 


(Dianna's POV)

"Hey, babe, we've got to get up," Niall whispers in my ear while rubbing my shoulder. I squint my eyes open realizing it was now dark out. I roll over to face him and smile at his messed up hair. I lean over and peck him on the lips before slipping out of the bed. 

I almost forgot about what had happened a couple of hours ago until I saw the bandage. I frown at the sight. The blood had seeped through the bandage staining the white color. Niall comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my stomach and kisses my cheek. He rocks me side to side before spinning me around to face him. He leans his head down and smiles into the kiss. A wave of happiness floods through me from my lips, igniting a flame in my heart. 

"We should probably change your bandage," Niall smiles at me. It was the kind of smile that lit up an entire room and you couldn't help but smile when you saw it. His smile washed the pain away. It was one of my favorite things about him. 

Niall changes the bandage on my arm. I still feel ashamed of what I had done. I shouldn't have cut myself it was stupid but, I just couldn't stop reliving the moments of New Year's and it seemed like the only thing that would make it stop. But, now that I have Niall with me to help I don't think it will happen again. I could never even imagine someone better than Niall. He understands me, he cares for me, he loves me and I love him. And most importantly, he's there for me. 

"All done," I hope down from the counter and kiss him swiftly. 

"Thank you, for everything." He smiles while gazing deeply into my eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too." 

Soon after we wait in the lobby for the rest of the boys to come down with their bags so we can get on the bus. The boys have another concert tomorrow night in Vegas and since it's only a four-hour drive we're taking the bus. It was about 10 o'clock and we're supposed to leave at 10:10 so we make it by 2:30 am and then we'll sleep on the bus and spend the rest of the day at the arena. 


I wake up in Niall's bunk with his arm draped around my waist. The rest of the boys are still asleep. I crawl out from under his arm and sneak off to the small bathroom to get showered before the boys wake up. When the water runs cold I know I should probably get out of the shower. The water shuts off, I step out and wrap a towel around myself. My eyes scan the room for a minute before I realized I forgot to bring my clothes in. The cold air conditioning slaps me in the face when I open the door. I creep out and slowly tip-toe towards my bag. The floorboards creak under my weight, I peek around, and no one seems to have woken up. 

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