"who are you sharing your tent with?" jungkook asked, lifting up the middle of the tent.

"yoongi." jimin said. "he loves his boyfriends, but he didn't want to sleep with either of them because they are too loud and don't go to bed till late. plus, i know from experience, they roll and kick the whole night." he giggled, and jungkook chuckled as he began to peg in the tent. "so without a choice i am with him."

the two finished the tent and jungkook began to use the foot pump to blow up his air mattress. jimin stared in jealousy as the teachers got mattresses while they got a thick mat. the older chuckled and slightly zipped up the tent. one because he didn't want bugs inside his tent and two, he wanted to kiss jimin after not being able to for more than four hours. so as soon as the mattress was done being blown up, jungkook lifted jimin and placed him on there before hovering over him.

"finally after forever i can kiss you." jungkook mumbled before leaning down.

jimin giggled and wrapped his arms around jungkook before sealing their lips together. the older hummed and let his body fall onto the younger, but he still supported himself, so he didn't crush the boy beneath him. a moan left the students mouth. his teacher took it upon himself to stick his tongue in, he wanted to feel all of him. jimin giggled and continued to kiss jungkook with passion and love.

"why do you taste so good?" jungkook asked, flipping over to have jimin on top of him. "it's that strawberry lip gloss, isn't it? fuck~" he groaned and moved a hand to the boys armpit and his other hand to just under his ass before pulling him upwards. jungkook began kissing all over his neck as jimin buried his face in the mattress just above the males head. "come to my tent tonight, just after ten."

jimin hummed and pulled away with red cheeks. jungkook tapped his butt, and the boy quickly stood up. a chuckle left the older males lips before he pulled the younger closer by the waist before hugging him. jimin rested his head on jungkook's chest before placing his chin in the same sport and staring up at the other. they enjoyed this little moment together, and even if it only lasted a few seconds before they had to make their way out, they still loved it.

night came and jimin laid with his back facing yoongi, he was waiting for his friend to fall asleep before he would go to jungkook's tent. but due to the older student being on his phone, he knew it would be a while before he would go to sleep and sadly, he was beginning to get frustrated. jimin whined quietly as he kicked his feet a little. he pulled the quilt over his head as he waited for the other to finish on his phone.

"are you alright jimin? you've been moving around for half an hour now." yoongi chuckled. jimin turned over to him, still wrapped up in the blanket as he pouted. "do you need to go to the toilet?" the older asked, the younger who slyly smiled under the quilt.

"yes." jimin said as he sat up. "i just couldn't be bothered, but now i really need to go," he said, throwing on some shoes before leaving the tent in a rushed fashion. leaving yoongi with a confused face. jimin tiptoed over to jungkook's tent and carefully unzipped the entrance. he poked his head in, and the other looked up from his book with a smile. "hey~."

jungkook smiled and opened his arms. "hello babycakes." he said. jimin quickly came inside before closing the zipped-up door. he then jumped into the other male's arms. "did yoongi finally fall asleep?" the teacher asked his student while pulling the quilt over both of them.

"no... i told him i needed to go to the toilet." jimin told with a little blush on his face. jungkook chuckled and pecked his pink cheeks before pulling the blanket up higher. jungkook reached down and pulled up his shirt before throwing on the ground next to the blow-up mattress.

a small giggle left jimin's mouth as he leaned forward and placed a peck on his chest. jungkook let out a sigh as he hugged the boy closer to him. the student began to kiss all over his teacher's chest, slightly using his tongue and a sucking technique while doing so. jungkook gripped jimin's waisted as he tilted his head back, letting out a breathy moan at the feeling of kisses being littered all over his chest.

"j-jimin~" jungkook hummed and jimin pulled away. the older looked down at, the younger and smirked slightly, he turned him over before moving down, so his face was in line with his torso.

jimin yelped when jungkook lifted his shirt, he kept pulling it up until it was over his head and on the floor of the tent. the younger bit his lip as the older began to leave open mouth kisses over him like he was doing earlier. the student didn't want to be loud, so he bit his lower lip as his teacher left kisses everywhere. but the boy suddenly yelped when he felt something warm and wet come into contact with his nipple.

"oh~ my baby has sensitive nipples." jungkook teased and sucked on jimin's buds while fiddling with the other. jungkook pulled away, and he awed at jimin's flushed body and face. "so pretty..." he sighed and laid back down with him. jimin whined from embarrassment and hit jungkook's chest. "once we leave camp, we can go further." he teased and groped jimin making his squirm and moan.

[ A/N: my area just went into lockdown so i can post a lot the next few days :)))) ]

teacher・지국 [not continuing, unless...]Where stories live. Discover now