-Chapter 34- Sorry

Start from the beginning

"Of course something was in between it."- Hermione said rolling her eyes. "Who kissed who?"

"That doesn't matter."- I said.

"It's a long story."- Louis said.

"Well I assume it was a dare."- Hermione said.

"It was."- I said.

"How was kissing your beat friend?"- She asked.

"I don't know try it out with Ron."- I said.

"Exactly."- Louis said laughing.

"Can't believe you two."- She said rolling her eyes.

"Who kissed who?"- Fred came next to us.

"Was it Y'n and Louis?"- George added.

"No."- I said lying.

We changed the theme of converstation quickly and kelt talking.

Fred, George and Hermione walked away from us.

"Well now Hermione knows."- Louis said.

"Wonderful."- I said.

"I would still rather kiss you then have detention and seeing you pass out again."- Louis said.

"Is this your joking part again?"- I asked smiling.

"Like you would rather pass out then kiss me."- He said.

"Maybe."- I said laughing.

"So..."- Blaise came next to us.

"Shut up."- Me and Louis said at the same time.

"Where's Draco?"- I asked.

"Probably hiding from you two."- Blaise said.

"He has a reason."- Louis said.

We finished our breakfast and me and Louis sat on bench and talked for a while.

"What are you doing on your Christmas break?"- Louis asked me.

"Nothing probably."- I said.

"Not kissing your best friend. Wow."- He said pretending to be shocked.

"At least your making jokes about it not being awkward."- I said.

"Me awkward? Never."- He said smiling.

"Imagine if you never got into slytherin."- I said.

"But I did."- He said.

"Really? Didn't notice."- I said pretending to be shocked.

"Okay, but wanna go prank Umrbidge?"- He said.

"You are not serious right now."- I said.

"I am dead serious."- He said pulling my arm.

"I am not going to."- I said sitting back on bench.

"You are going to because I agreed to dye my hair black."- He said.

"And how are we gonna prank her?"- I asked getting up.

"You'll see."- He said as we started walking.

"If we get detention on last day of school I swear Louis."- I said.

"Well I hope not."- He said.

We walked in her office and saw lots of cats meowing. Louis looked to her coffee and back to me and smirked.

"We are not poisoning her to her death right?"- I asked.

"Something like that."- He said.

"Louis!"- I said hitting his arm and laughing.

"I'm joking."- He said laughing. "We are gonna make her voice deeper because her high pitched voice annoys me.

Louis put two drops of some liquid in her coffee.

"Now hide."- He said pulling me behind a wall.

We waited for 10 minutes and Umbridge came in. She drank the coffee and her voice became deeper.

We started laughing forgetting she could hear us.

"Who's there!"- She yelled in her deep voice now.

"Fuck."- Louis said laughing pulling me in a closet.

Closet was really small so we were pinned against each other. Again.

"Shush."- I said laughing and putting my finger over Louis's lips.

Me and Louis looked at each other eyes for a very long time. He looked at my lips and I looked at his too. We went from laughing to being dead serious. We were breathing heavily and kept looking at each other lips. We started coming closer and closer to each other. If that was possible.

We were now inch away from each other and doors opened.

"This is my sorry for yesterday."- Draco said opening the door.

"I still hate you."- I said as we awkwardly got out of the closet.

"Same."- Louis said.

"Well I saved you from a detention that Louis would avoid by last night."- Draco said.

"Still didn't hear "I'm sorry"."- Louis said

"Okay I'm sorry. I didn't think Louis would actually do it."- Draco said.

"Well neither did I."- I said we looked at Louis.

"Don't look at me. I was drunk."- He said.

"Too bad."- Draco said.

"Shut it."- I said.

We walked to our common room and talked and ate snacks for the rest of the day.


Let me know what you think of this story/book!!

I have to go to bed now because I have like 2 tests in morning.

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