Chapter 21

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Quick A/N: This is now present time in the story. Earlier was just explaining how the reader and sapnap met, as if looking back  on it, and now its present time in the story. Okay enjoy!

1 Month Later

August 2020

You are just finishing up a stream when you get a text from your brother telling you to be ready in 5 minutes. He always does this to you, tells you to be ready and barely gives you any time. You are just glad you had gotten ready for the stream and don't have to rush around.

You grab your phone and mask before going downstairs to wait for Clay. You get in the car immediately asking where he was taking you.

"We're going to get covid tested." He answers, starting to pull out of the driveway.

You look over at him confused. "Why?"

"I have people visiting soon so we have to be tested and they are getting tested." He vaguely explains.

"Wait, you are having people over so why do I have to get my brain tickled for your guests."

Your brother's infamous wheeze sounds through the car. You wait for him to calm down before he is able to answer. "You know them too."

You roll your eyes. "Why wasn't I informed then?"

"You're informed now..." You open your mouth to ask another question but Clay cuts you off. "And no i'm not telling you who."

You laugh at how well he knows you as you pull into the place. You fill out the forms and wait your turn in the line of cars. You and your brother talk as you try to think of who could possibly be visiting. Maybe a family member you haven't seen in a while?

You are snapped out of thoughts when they come up to your windows and ask you to pull your mask below your nose. You're dreading the test as you see the swab in his hand. He has you lean your head back and your eyes water at the unpleasant feeling. He swabs both nostrils before he tells you to check your emails in 2 days for results.

You wipe the mascara that dripped from your eyes watering as your brother pulls away. He drops you back home and you go inside to be left to your own thoughts of who could be visiting.

Brother's Best Friend (Sapnap x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora