Chapter 10

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Your POV

Yesterday, I got a text from Nick saying we have to film together tomorrow. They always demand, never ask. You have fun filming with them and it's not like you have plans, thanks to the coronavirus. You have about an hour before you're supposed to log on and film so you run downstairs to grab a snack.

You had to film for your channel earlier in the day so you already have your makeup, hair, and outfit done. You walk past your mom sitting on the couch and to the kitchen. You backtrack into the living room and see your brother, you knew something seemed off when you walked in.

Your brother laughs at you, "Why are you looking at me like that?" he questions.

"I didn't expect you to be here," you laugh confused but shake it off. Sometimes Clay will show up unannounced, which you don't mind, but it catches you off guard.

You check the time and quickly grab your snack running back upstairs telling your mom and brother you have to film and you'll be back down later. Nick didn't tell you what you were filming just to be logged onto the Dream SMP and be in a video chat with him.

When you get to your room you quickly log on and just as Minecraft is loading you get the call from Nick. You answer and amile when you see his face. You both make small talk until your Minecraft loads. You can see Nick is jittery and cant sit still but you just blame it on caffeine.

You just log onto the SMP when your brother comes barging into your room. You look over and see your mom behind him also. You try to get them to go away and they claim to just want to say hi to Nick. Why is everyone acting so suspicious?

Nick's voice pulls you from your thoughts and says it's okay for them to stay. You don't question it and trust him. Your mom and Clay pull up chairs next to you and watch.

You follow Nick's character and see a bunch of signs. The scenery is beautiful. A path of oak wood is under the signs and purple flowers, like the one Nick gave you, surrounding the path. You raise an eyebrow and Nick tells you to follow the signs and read them. You do as he asks.

The first sign says "Hi Y/N," you move forward to the next sign "We've been friends for 6 months and 13 days," you giggle at the exact amount, he must be counting. You move forward again "we've been talking for 3 months and 17 days," your face goes red.

You feel like everyone has gone quiet. Your mom, Clay, Nick, and everyone active on the SMP watching you silently. It's kinda unnerving.

You continue on though, "and there's something I've been meaning to ask you." Here's where your anxiety starts to kick in. Your mind is racing with all different thoughts, good and bad.

The next sign, "Don't worry I got permission," that and your brother chuckle besides you scares you even more. When you look ahead there's only a few more signs.

You walk forward reading the signs "" the next sign says look up with an arrow and so you move your mouse up. You immediately gasp and cover your mouth. Above you, in the sky, was the word girlfriend written out in purple wool. Awes from beside you and in the SMP chat sound around you. You look at Nick and nod your head, breathing out a yes.

You can see Nick relax and you realize that was probably why he was jittery before. You giggle as your mom hugs you and your brother obnoxiously cheers. Once everything calms down you have a bunch of texts that you will answer later, right now you're focused on your new boyfriend. 

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