Chapter 5

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A/N: i removed the photos of the makeup and outfit because no one seemed to like it. it was just what i had pictured for the character i was writing and you could picture it how you want. i removed it so now you can picture it how you want.

The week goes by as normal. Wake up, go to school, film for your channel, do homework, and go to sleep. This week, however, something is slightly different. You are filming with Nick for the first time without your brother and George. To say you're freaking out is an understatement. Sure you've talked to Nick and filmed with him but it was never just you two and the fact that you have a massive crush on him makes this ten times scarier.

You've just got home from school on friday. It's a couple days before Christmas and now you're on break. That is definitely something to be excited about. It keeps your mind off filming later at least.

You walk in the house dropping your bag on the couch and going to the kitchen to get a snack. You see a note on the table from your mom saying she is going to be working another late night and there's money on the counter for food. You'll probably eat whatever you have at home, though, since you're too scared to call and order over the phone.

You walk back out to your bag and instead see your brother sitting on the couch. Your heart drops as you weren't expecting him and he laughs at your reaction. You roll your eyes and sit next to him calming down.

"So," Clay starts talking, "how do you feel about filming with Sapnap today?" He calls Nick by his Minecraft username just out of habit and your face goes red as you remember it's today.

"Uh well I think you know," you whisper. You both sit in silence until you speak up again. "Why did he choose me and not you, or George?" You look over at your brother waiting for an answer.

He shrugs. He turns away from you and you know he's hiding something so you push your elbow into his side and keep asking him until he finally breaks. "Okay fine. I may have mentioned something about you having a crush on him." His voice goes high at the end and he braces waiting for this hit that never comes.

Instead, you sit there thinking. He knows about your crush and he is using the filming scheme as a ploy. He's going to tell you he doesn't like you like that and things will be awkward! You snap out of your thoughts hearing your brother's voice.

"Hey, did you hear anything I just said?" your brother looks at you betrayed. You shake your head and he talks again. "I said, he has feelings for you too. You don't need to be worried, I know you were just questioning everything."

Your jaw drops as you turn to face your brother. He's wheezing at your reaction but you know he's not lying about what he just said. There are limits in how you two can joke with each other and you both agreed joking about fake feelings is off limits.

"Oh my god," you finally get your words to work as you smile and shake your brother. "He has feelings for me?!?" You yell as your brother laughs harder and nods his head and the only thing you can think to do is hug your brother. You may have been mad at him at first but now you are thanking him.

After a while of just talking and hanging out your brother leaves. You have about an hour before you have to film with Nick and you're both doing facecams so you have to get yourself together. You usually don't wear makeup or any complicated outfits to school because 1, you are not waking up that early and 2, no one there cares. You quickly change into an outfit and do your makeup leaving you with 15 minutes to spare.

You set up your equipment and message Nick that you are ready when he is. He messages back almost immediately with the download link for the code you guys are filming with and then he voice calls you.

You pick it up and hear his voice and immediately a smile appears on your face and you're glad he can't see you. Your heart speeds up as you talk with him and your face goes warm. After what your brother told you, you don't know if he is going to make a move so you're kinda nervous. Nothing happens, yet, and you two start recording the video.

Brother's Best Friend (Sapnap x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt