Chapter 23

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You grip onto your brothers sleeves, as you are naturally clumsy, and now you can't see. You hold on for dear life as you shuffle your feet, too scared to actually step. You move slowly, as your brother laughs at your cautiousness. For all you know, he is leading you to the edge of a cliff. Although, you doubt that because you haven't even got to your front steps yet.

You feel the edge of the stair, finally after a long time of getting from the inside stairs to the front door. You freeze, knowing this could go horribly. Clay thinks the same and instead scoops you up in his arms and carries you down the few stairs. He places you back on your feet and makes sure you have your balance. He turns you slightly and then leaves your side.

You realize you probably look like an idiot. You have your arms out and you're trying not to lean too far forward or backward in fear of falling. Although you cant see, you turn looking side to side as if you can. You reach out and try to find the railing and when you do you grip onto it for support.

"Clay, what's happening?" You call out for your brother confused on why he just left you.

"On the count of 3 youre going to take off the blindfold." He answers your question, kinda.

You nod to yourself and wait for the countdown as your nerves start to take over. "3." your brother starts counting down. "2." Your mind races thinking of all the things that you could be facing. "1." Oh boy here we go.

You reach up and pull the knot at the back of your head letting it fall to the ground. You look at the ground letting your vision adjust to the bright sunlight. You look up and see your brother with a camera and that's when your vision zeros in on something else.

Standing a few feet in front of you is Nick. Your jaw drops and you freeze. In shock, excitement, nervousness. You're so overwhelmed with emotion. The only thing you can think to do is run into his arms. When you're finally close enough you wrap your arms around his neck and he wraps his around your waist. He lifts you slightly and you also wrap your legs around him.

At this point there's tears and lots of them. They started flowing the moment you two collided. Your vision is blurry but you don't need to see so you bury your face in his neck. There's a lot of thoughts running through your mind. 'Is this real?' 'This better not be a dream.' 'He's really cuddly.' 'Wow he smells really good.' 'Oh god you're probably soking his shirt.'

You pull your face from his neck to look at him as you pray to every god you are not about to wake up to your alarm. He gently places you back down on your feet. 'Okay he's a lot taller than i expected.'

You grip his shirt feeling like if you didnt he would go away. You feel his hands on your face and he gently moves in for a kiss. Your heart is beating out of your chest as your lips connect. The kiss doesn't last long as your mom is standing not too far away.

"Hi baby," he says as your foreheads are touching. His voice is soft and way better in person than over the phone. You blush and giggle looking away. He kisses your forehead and greets your brother and mom.

You all make your way inside as you get Nick situated with his bags. You're overwhelmed but you can't stop smiling.

A/N: Hey guys! So there will probably only be 2 more chapters before I end this book but I was wondering if you guys would want a MCYT oneshots book? I would take requests and do most MCYTs on the dream smp.  Let me know what you think.

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