Chapter 9

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Sapnap POV

It's been 3 months since Y/N and i have been talking, 6 months since we have become friends, and i really want to finally ask her to be my official girlfriend. There's a lot that needs to happen first, like consulting with her brother and mom.

I decide to just call Y/N's mom instead of texting her. When she answers I make small talk and then finally tell her the actual reason I called her.

"Ms. (Last name), i called you today because i wanted your permission to ask Y/N to be my girlfriend. I love her so much and will do everything I can to make her happy." I hold my breath waiting for her answer.

I hear a laugh and then she starts to talk "Of course you can ask her. I trust her and I trust you. She can never stop talking about you but if you hurt her...." She doesn't even need to finish her sentence before I'm reassuring her I would never hurt Y/N. I release a relieved sigh and we end the conversation, now to ask her brother.

I send a message to Dream and he calls me like I asked him to. We small talk until I gain the courage to tell him.

"So, the actual reason I wanted to talk was because," I pause, taking a deep breath "I want to ask Y/N to be my girlfriend and I kinda wanted your permission. I already asked your mom and she said yes but i felt-" He cuts me off.

"Shut up, your ranting. Dude, you're my best friend and I trust you. This is the happiest i've seen Y/N in a while so yes you have my permission. But, if you hurt her-" This time i cut him off with a laugh.

"Your mom said the same thing, trust me I wont hurt her. She's the best thing to happen to me." We finish up the conversation, both Dream and George agreeing to help me make it the best way to ask her. We log onto minecraft and get to work while I text Y/N that tomorrow we have to film a video together. 

A/N: Hi everyone! This is another short chapter im super sorry. I start school tomorrow and things have been kinda hectic but the next chapter will be longer. Hope you are enjoying the story!

Brother's Best Friend (Sapnap x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن