Chapter 7

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You're in the bathroom taking off your makeup and getting ready for bed when you get a text back from Nick. He apologizes for answering so late but he was trying to fix his computer because it bugged out. You text back telling him not to worry and you move back into your room. You lay on your bed putting your tv on and shutting the lights.

You're scrolling through tiktok, which you happen to be on dream team tiktok, when your face appears on the screen. You jerk back from the unflattering position and read the contact name. Nicks facetiming you! You quickly try to fix yourself before answering, seeing his cute face that makes you blush, pop up on the screen.

He also seems to be in bed. He says hello and you can hear the raspiness in his voice, he must be tired, as you are. You lean back against your headboard, admiring him, as you answer back.

"I'm sorry for calling you so randomly but i wanted to see your face." he smiles his adorable smile as you blush and giggle, slightly out of embarrassment and the overwhelm of feelings.

You shake off his statement, telling him it's okay and you don't mind. You see him lay back some more and you do the same. You set your phone up on your bedside table and lay down on your side. He copies your position and now it feels like you're lying face to face even if it's through a small screen. You can feel your heart beating fast and the butterflies in your stomach fluttering but all you can focus on is Nick. This all feels so new to you, even though you've dated before, this feels different. You thought you were in love with those other guys but maybe you weren't, maybe you're in love with Nick and that's why this feels so weird.

You're listening to Nick speak about something funny his cats did earlier as your eyes start to fall closed. You try to keep them open but between NIck's calming voice and how tired you were from before you cant help it.

Nick must've noticed because he quickly says "It's okay, go to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up." If you weren't so tired you would've melted at that statement but all you can do is smile and nod. You knew Nick saw because you hear him say a quick goodnight and then you drift off to sleep.

When you wake, you look around remembering the facetime call. You look to your phone and see an asleep Nick. You let him sleep, watching him for a bit before getting up to get yourself together for the day. As you are brushing your teeth and looking down at your phone screen, with a still sleeping Nick, all you can think is 'yeah, this is definitely love.' 

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