Chapter 11

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Your mind is racing. How long was this planned? Your brother must've been a part of this, he came in the room at the perfect time. Nick asked permission? So your mom knew.

You're snapped out of your thoughts by your brother hugging you. "You deserve this Y/N," He whispers to you before letting go and leaving the room with your mom.

You look back to your minecraft screen, your character still looking at the word girlfriend in the sky. Your face is flushed red and you look to see Nick the same as you. Although, he has a small smirk on his face.

All you can do is smile and start to laugh. This really just happened, it's really official is all that's running through your mind. Then your anxiety kicks in again. You're gonna have to tell your fans, what will they think?

Nick's voice snaps you out of thought. "I hope the way I asked you was up to your standards." He laughs but you can tell he really means it.

"That was more than I could ever ask for, seriously, that was amazing." You smile at him. He looks really proud of himself, as he should be. "So, we are not filming a video?" You question.

He laughs loud, "No, but we can if you want. I'm kinda behind on videos anyways."

You nod, finally moving your minecraft character and seeing Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur, Niki, Punz, Fundy, George, Eret, Bad, Skeppy, and Callahan. Wow the gangs all here. You wonder if they all knew because once you turn to them they all start jumping, crouching and punching you. The support is nice though and you laugh at the ship name Tubbo put in the chat.

You say goodbye to everyone and now it's just you and Nick. Nick lists off his ideas for videos and you choose one to film. You're still comprehending what happened and you're really giddy. You hope the fans can't tell because you'll have to explain and you're not sure if you're ready for that. That's a conversation for another time. For now, Nick is applying the code and you're answering the many texts you got. 

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