Chapter 19

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You log off the live stream and immediately facetime Nick. You can feel yourself on the verge of tears. You can be really emotional when it comes to the ones you love. Sometimes you hate it and sometimes you don't.

Nick picks up and you can tell he looks distraught. You set the phone down as you immediately feel the tears run down your face at the sight of him. You cover your face to give yourself a minute.

"Don't cry, it was just a misunderstanding," You hear Nick's voice come through your speaker. The fact that he's comforting you after you were in the wrong makes you feel worse.

"I'm sorry," You say from behind your hands, which are still covering your face.

"I'm sorry too," He tells you.

You shake your head, finally uncovering your face. "You have nothing to be sorry for. I was in the wrong and I was being petty."

You can see him smile slightly and he speaks again, "Yeah, but i should have known what Sylvee was doing and how it was making you feel."

You both accept each other's apologies and sit in silence for a bit. Not an awkward silence but a comfortable silence. That is until you start giggling.

Nick looks at you with an amused look on his face, "what are you laughing at?"

You laugh harder and he starts to laugh with you. You both laugh until you can't and instead of sad tears there're happy tears running down your face. You both take a second to calm down and catch your breath. You answer his question, "That was the stupidest fight/disagreement, whatever you wanna call it, ever."

You can see him smile, "yeah it kinda was, wasn't it?" You guys start to laugh again until your brother bursts through the door.

You jump because he startled you. "Dude what are you doing here? It's like 1am." You ask him confused.

"Did you guys make up?" He looks more distraught than the both of you combined.

You can hear Nicks laugh glitch through the phone and you also start laughing, yet again. You can hear your brother sigh and start laughing with you two. You thank Clay for being the "therapist" of your relationship because without him you would have never met Nick and you two would still be in an argument right now.

Before your brother leaves he says, "I thought i was gonna have to fly Nick out and have an intervention with you two."

You blush at the thought of finally meeting Nick in person. "Well maybe we should start fighting again." You all laugh and say goodnight to each other.

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