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Unlike Yoongi, hoseok didn't have school to through himself into.

He had a dangerous fucking job that could cost him his life.

He also happened to have a meet up with his crazy fucking mother.

Now, during his childhood hero would have called her a saint, but considering she was the true power of scene when his father was leader. Let's not forget she's the one who gave jae-hwa his signature scar.


Hoseok walked through the bike shop, one of the signature buildings scene had owned forever. He was here go pick up his bikes which had been left alone for the past four months due to a nasty show of hatred.

Hoseok: Sam!

A young beta turned his head quickly and was met with his boss walking towards him.

Hoseok: where's my bike?

Sam: kitty is making sure it's all nice looking, it's been collecting dust.

Hoseok: that's on me.

Sam: at least you admit it.

Hoseok rolled his eyes and ruffled the youngers long hair.

Hoseok: make sure you do your school work dumbass!

Sam: gross.

Hoseok walked off towards the garage, passing some other members.

Hoseok: Jimin!

Jimin: hm?

Hoseok: how my bike bitch?

Jimin: pretty now that I cleaned it. You should take care of your pretty belongings.

Hoseok: I do. The ones I can't replace any way.

Jimin: did you tell him?

Hoseok: yeah.. He took it better than I thought.

Jimin: oh?

Hoseok: he says he wants to take a break think things through. Which I think is pretty rational.. Just hope he doesn't feel obligated to stay.. I'd rather him leave me and stay safe.

Jimin: your too good for this life you were forced into.

Hoseok: not really.. I've killed people.

Jimin: we all have.

Hoseok: not everyone.

Jimin: well no shit.

Hoseok: move it please. My mother wants to meet with me at in of her favorite diners.

Jimin: oh ew. Have fun. She'll probably wanna tour of all our buildings, especially the new ones, considering she doesn't trust your leadership any more..

Hoseok: I love her.. But I get what your saying. And hey, don't tell her anything about Yoongi. She'll be on my ass forever.

Jimin: oh I can here it now.. *ahem* "seokie baby, be the big bad alpha in raised and forcefully mate this boy so we have an heir as soon as possible" Gross.

Hoseok: she's the reason I'm scared of ever having a mate in the first place.. Let alone have a child.

Jimin: remember when she tried to set US up? Super gross.

Hoseok: what? Didn't want all this?

Jimin: I'm more into soft art students that the literal sun.

Hoseok: hah.


Hoseok drove up to the parking lot of the diner his mother so desperately loved.

She had convinced hoseoks father to but the place when he was a 10 year old.

He walked in a took a look around, then he spotted her.

Hoseok: eomma!

Chae-young: hoseok, baby! Come here.

The short beta women pulled her son down to give him a kiss and then ushered him to sit down.

Hoseok: hi.

Chae-young: Hi love. How are things.

Hoseok: normal.. Well, as normal as they can.

Chae-young: really? Good.

The still smiling women then pushed Hoseoks head down with a thump.

Chae-young: why are you lying to me hoseok. I know that Jae escaped from prison and attacked that jimins whore.

Hoseok: eomma-

Chae-young: quiet. Now, let's eat now shall we.

Mr.Posseive *on Break*Where stories live. Discover now