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*A few days later*
It's been a good few days and it is the late evening of January 1st. Just 24 hours ago we were partying away having a good time at a New Years party in London. I said goodbye to my parents on Boxing Day and it was quite eventful to say the least, Harry had invited close family and friends to his house where most of them spent the majority of the evening. Then I went shopping with the girls and Harry had even asked the host for the New Years party to let Maddie, Amelia and Nathaniel come to which they had agreed so I got to spend New Years with the people I loved most.

One thing that Harry hadn't told me about the whole getting to the Maldives was that we'd be travelling through the night so to say I was more than tired was an understatement however Harry seemed to be buzzing. We were sitting in one of the first class lounges, he was drinking a black coffee and I was drinking a hot chocolate and a bowl of fruit. We've been here since just before three in the afternoon and it's now twenty to twelve, the only good thing was that we'd be able to board the plane in ten minutes to Malé where we would then be getting on a sea plane to the island we were staying at. The flight would be a good 13 hours and a bit and then a further 45 minutes on a seaplane there.

To say I was excited was humorous as this is literally all I'd been talking about for the past few days however now sitting here looking out at the pitch black nothingness of the outdoors I was starting to hope that everything would run smoothly, I guess you could say I dislike flying in the dark. "Sunflower, they've called for the flight we can go get on it now" I mumble a small okay, as soon as we were up safely in the air the first thing I was doing was going to sleep at least then when I'd wake up it would be light out, at least I think I'm still not sure of time zones. He intertwined my hand with his and held both of our backpacks, my glasses firmly on the top of my head holding my loose hairs away from my eyes. Once we got to the gate he showed our boarding passes and passports and we were let on. I'd woken up a bit more due to the bright intensity of the lights, the plane was going to be pretty empty due to it being the middle of the night which wasn't terrible, at least there would be no screaming babies that would disrupt sleep. I was sat near a window and Harry was in the middle aisle directly opposite to mine. I pulled out my head phones along with my phone and a strawberry lollipop to suck on when the plane was taking off. I shoved my bag into the over head compartment, it wasn't too big most of it was just leads and my camera to take photos and a notebook with a few pens. I was sad I wasn't sat in reaching distance from Harry because I feel just holding his hand taking off would be making all the difference.

*A few hours later*
I was awoken a few hours later by a women lightly shaking my arm, she had what appeared to be lunch, had I really been asleep that long? "The gentleman over there ordered your lunch for you, he said to awake you if were still asleep. Here you go Miss."
"Thank you!" She placed a tray in front of me I checked on the screen how long we had left and it showed we had just over an hour left to go. I've slept nearly a whole 12 hours and probably look like a mess. "Good afternoon sunflower"
"Afternoon Harry, I can't believe you let me sleep that long"
"Well I mean your gonna need all the sleep you can get" His voice dropped to almost a whisper, "god knows you're gonna need it with all the late night activities we'll be doing"
"Harry what if someone heard?"
"Sweetheart the only people in first class at the moment are me, you, a few ladies a few aisles back and the flight attendants. We have nothing to worry about. Now eat your lunch and then go freshen up because by then I'm pretty sure it'll be time to land."

He was right, by time I'd eaten my lunch and then gone to freshen up in the bathroom we were told that we needed to put seatbelts on as we'd be landing in Malé soon. Landing wasn't to bad, we had a short wait for our bags due to the flight being practically empty and after handing them off once again we were in another lounge this time the one for the place we'd be staying at. There was a whole element of blue in the lounge and it was beautiful outside one of the tall dropped windows you could see the water which it was too intact blue. We were sat waiting, Harry reading a book on his phone and I resting my head on his shoulder observing him and the others around us. We'd been told it wouldn't be too long until we would be off and it was here nearing 7 so by time we arrived at the island it would be way past eight.

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