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*Aria's POV*
*Over a month later*
It's now December 13th and both me and Harry are still in Tokyo,Japan. Although the first leg of the tour officially ended five days ago Harry booked for us to go back a bit later than everyone else. The overs all left yesterday in the early hours of the morning but I had said goodnight to them all the night before as I didn't want to get out of bed super early however Harry had got up to see them goodbye and the only reason I knew that was because I had felt and heard him get out of bed in the early hours of the morning. That's also another thing that had changed over the past few weeks, both me and Harry shared the same room which was only logical because when we weren't spending any nights without each other and we'd normally just wait until we had thought everyone else had gone to bed until one of us crept to the others room, that was until Mitch caught Harry doing it and completely busted him so we just stayed in the same room from that night on.

Although me and Harry had got a lot closer, and more people on the team were noticing, we still didn't know what it meant for the both of us. However I do admit that my feelings for Harry have got stronger over the past few weeks as well. It was also nearing christmas which is one of my favourite times of the year and I couldn't wait to be back in London so that Me, Amelia, Maddie and Nathaniel (who is now Amelia's boyfriend) could walk around with hot chocolate and look at the christmas lights and go christmas shopping. We leave tomorrow to head back for London so it shouldn't be too long until I get to do that.

As of right now it's about 4.30 in the afternoon and i'm editing a video of me trying different japanese snacks. Not too long ago i'd reached 1.5 million on youtube (which I was so grateful for) and 500k on instagram. I'd also signed on with a new management which was great for me because it felt like things would be picking up slowly. Harry was asleep beside me, lying in the same position as he had been two hours ago when he'd first fallen asleep. I only had to put in the outro, which I was close to doing, when Harry had woken beside me. "What's the time sunflower?" He was speaking quite raspily when saying this which is just another thing I had come to love about him. He would sound like this whenever he woke up and it was nice, "Just gone past four-thirty." He sat up pulling the duvet up with him as it was quite cold in the hotel room. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and went back to how he was sitting. "What are you doing?"
"I'm editing the giveaway and trying japanese sweets/snacks video."
"Okay, so when we get back tomorrow do you want to decorate my place for christmas?"
"What kind of question is that of course I do!"

*Later that evening*
It was nearing eleven in the evening when Harry suggested that we go on a walk one last time whilst we were here so I agreed and we were now leaving the hotel, hand in hand with face masks on so that we somewhat blend in with the crowds. As we were walking he leaned over and whispered in my ear, "I want to ask you something." We continued walking and I gave him a small nod. We stopped on the path that we were on and he turned to face me and I could tell that he was smiling because of the small creases by his eyes, "Would you be my girlfriend sunflower?" I smiled back at him even though he couldn't see me doing it and I gave him a yes and a quick nod of my head and kissed him. It was only a short kiss because I didn't want many people to see and we walked back to the hotel. It was on December 13th 2017 that I became Harry Styles girlfriend.

*December 19th*
"I can't believe that we just brought three christmas trees and a bunch of decorations!" I smile as I look over to Harry who was driving us back to his place. We'd been back a few days now but Harry had been called to a bunch of work meetings so we never had time to decorate and when he was available I was at my apartment with Amelia and Maddie. We decided that it would be best to stay at his place for christmas: Anne, Gemma and my mum and dad were all going to stay here until the 27th and they'd arrive on the 23rd. "Where are we even going to put them all?" He laughs as he looks out at the road ahead of us, as we stop at a red light he turns to me, "Well the bigger one that we brought we can put in the living room because that's where we would exchange gifts, then the green medium sized one can be put in the the main hallway and the black medium sized one that you insisted on getting along with the pink an blue baubles and white fairy lights in our room. Does that sound good?"
"Sounds perfect! Now drive, drive the light is green and I'm sure the people behind us won't be very appreciative of us just sitting here."

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