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*Aria's POV*
Alone. That's how I woke up in his bed. I felt over to his side to where he was laying just a few hours before and that itself was also cold meaning he had been out of bed long enough for his side of the bed to become cold. I looked down at the floor and our clothes were still scattered from where we had left them from the previous night's endeavours. I got out the bed and grabbed my underwear and his shirt that he was wearing previously and put them on quickly and got back into bed. My phone was placed on the nightstand on the side of the bed that I had slept on and as I turnt it on I had one message from Amelia that was sent at about four in the morning saying that they were back at the apartment and that she'd text me when they were both up. It was just coming up to nine so I wouldn't expect them to be up for at least another hour.

I wanted to know where Harry was but I knew if I left his room I'd get lost because his place is just that big. Thirty or so minutes had passed since I'd woken up when Harry eventually walked through the bedroom door holding bags of what I could assume was breakfast. He walked around to his side of the bed and placed the bags on the bed and as soon as the smell hit me my stomach began to rumble. He turnt round and rested his back up against the headboard and looked over at me, "Sorry I wasn't here when you woke up, I realise now that was probably a crappy move but we had no food in so I went and got some and got some breakfast at the same time." I looked over towards him and smiled slightly, whilst I do agree that what he had done was kinda crappy considering as we had slept together a few hours before he had got food and that was one of the ways to my heart. He handed me an egg mcmuffin, which I had assumed that he only knew I liked because when we were in New York on tour we were having breakfast and we all decided on mcdonalds which is when I got an egg mc muffin, "Thanks.".

We ate in silence. I sat on my phone on instagram to make it look like I was doing something and he sat and read some of a book. I was coming to finish the end of my mc muffin when I got a text from Amelia saying that she was not awake but Maddie was not which was to be expected. I'd sent her a small reply to ask Maddie when she woke up if she wanted to go shopping and to go get our nails done as she'd already said that it sounded like a good idea. "Do you have any plans today?" I thought that it was a bit weird considering I was just texting about plans but I brushed it off, "Yeah I think me, Maddie and Amelia are going to go shopping today." I'd now finished my egg mc muffin and Harry had finished the wrap that he was eating, "Do you think you'll be at the show tonight?"
"I'm not sure, maybe."
"I'll put you on the guest list, as well as Amelia and Maddie."
"Okay, thank you." It felt as if between us things were a bit tense and I had no clue why. Harry was currently rummaging around his drawer and he threw a pair of his black joggers over to the bed and one of his clean black t-shirts. "You can wear these back to yours. I'll be in the kitchen. Just go down the stairs and turn right. Keep going straight until you reach the second door on your left." Before I could say anything else he was gone and the door was shutting behind him. I got changed into the clothes he left and grabbed my outfit from last night and left the bedroom.

It took me a little longer than expected to make it down to the bathroom because I'd stopped quite a few times as I took a wrong turn down a hallway and that hallway had quite a few photos and awards down it. Eventually I did reach the kitchen and as I walked in his back was facing me so I cleared my throat and he turnt to look at me. "I think we should talk. Come sit down." I went and sat on the island across from him and placed my clothes on the stool beside me. "I just think we should talk. I know what I did after Paris was wrong. I shouldn't have just sent you on a plane back to London in hopes to avoid you and I guess you could say I done it in some ways because I was scared. I started to feel things when i'm around you and I'm scared to do that. I Don't get what it is and whenever I was with anyone after Paris and then I felt it again last night and I really have no idea where I'm going with this but I guess I wanted to clear things up in some ways." I think he's trying to say he has feelings for me, which would have been a lot simpler if he just said so. "From all of that all I got was that I think you have feelings for me?" He sighed as he looked over at me which made me feel dumb because I could have come out with the complete wrong thing and that would be extremely awkward. "Well then you would be correct but I don't think I want anything at the moment, I want to see how things go between us." I internally sighed, at least I assumed the right thing, "Okay i'm cool with that. Now can we please leave."

*A little while later*
When I arrived at the apartment I was greeted by both Amelia and Maddie. They were still in their pajamas and they were both drinking a cup of coffee on the couch. The first thing Amelia noticed was that I wasn't in the clothes I was wearing last night so I just said that Harry had given them to me to wear home. I never mentioned anything about what he had told me this morning as I wanted to give myself time to think about it and everything he had said. Amelia said that she needed to go on to campus to drop a piece of work off so me and Maddie just decided to go with her. The first thing I started to do whilst everyone else began to get showered was I unpacked the majority of my case so that I could wash the clothes in there. I assume that I would be going on tour still and even if I wasn't it still needed to be washed. Whilst I put the first out of the three loads of washing I decided it would be best that I got ready.

I ended up picking out some blue jeans, a black turtleneck and my big black fluffy coat. I ended up just shoving on my airforces and grabbed a small bag which had my purse, phone, keys and airpods in. When I walked out both the girls were ready and we left for campus which wasn't too far. Most of the way there we talked about everything that's been going on these past few months. Once we arrived we quickly headed to Amelia's english class which is where she needed to drop her work off. Once we walked into the class we noticed that Nathaniel (one of both mine and Amelia's close friends) was also in the class. "Nathaniel, it's been too long."
"My my if it isn't Miss Aria Smith, the current talk of the campus, give me a hug." I walked over to him and embraced him in a hug. I don't think we'd properly seen eachother since before i'd left so this would have been the first time I was seeing him this school year. "You know everyone has not shut up about you, it's mental!"
"Nathaniel, don't we never told her." By now I was getting more and more confused, what haven't they been telling me? "Tell me Nathaniel, please."
"Um well there's just been a lot of talk between students and the professors about you and you know you being away. School has tried to contain it but they can't really help it because well it was expected."
"Oh. Well it was going to happen at some point but we move. It's been coming from everywhere now, the tabloids, my instagram so I don't expect much different."

We ended up talking for a lot longer than expected but when we eventually left it was raining lightly. Lucky for us though the nail place wasn't too far from where we were so we made it there in effort time. For my nails I just went with a black coffin shape and just over an hour later we were done. Not too long after both the other girls were done and we were heading for a bus to go shopping. Once we got off the bus the first place we all decided to go to was Victoria secret. When we walked in we ended up parting ways as we had different things we wanted to look at. The first thing that had caught my eye was a full lace slip dress so I grabbed a size medium and small to try on in the changing rooms and I also grabbed a pink satin lace one to try on as well. I thought today was a good day to treat myself as I hadn't gone proper shopping in a long while so why not. The next things I ended up choosing were a red rhinestone bra and the matching underwear and a few other pieces of underwear. Then I chose out a sleepwear set which was just a satin blue with shorts, even though the winter was getting closer and at the very end I also added their coconut body mist. The total of that all was £271 which was a bit pricey but it was a treat yourself day.

I didn't end up buying much after that and once we got back to the apartment all I did was load another wash and began packing for the remainder of the tour. I'd text Harry earlier that we weren't going to come to tonight's show but tomorrows, which is exactly what we had done and I'd also found out that Anne and a few of her friends were there that same night so I had someone else I knew there.

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