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*Two days later*

*Aria's POV*

It was now Monday the beginning of a new week and I hadn't heard anything from Gemma so I assumed she'd forgotten however it had only been a few days so she could be busy. I didn't have very much to do today and I wasn't vlogging as I had a haul that I had filmed to upload and I just wanted a day to myself. I did have a lecture for sociology/psychology that I could go to but there not mandatory and I hadn't even found a muse that I would be writing about so there wasn't any point. By time I decided to actually get out of bed it was around 11.30 and I wasn't extremely bothered to make anything for breakfast. As I had nothing to do today I decided that I would head into Oxford Circus to do some shopping.

After choosing out some plain black leggings and a beige hoodie I headed to the bus stop to get on a bus there. After around 15 minutes I made it and decided that I wanted a Starbucks coffee to get me through the shopping trip. Not long after I headed into a few shops that I wanted to browse and I ended up getting a few things. Sometimes I find it nice to just go out alone and have some time to myself. I had never really enjoyed hanging out with people that much as I was more quiet than most but I didn't really mind. Also it is way more relaxing to go out alone as you can go by your own flow and don't have to rush around. My phone started to ring and it was some random number ringing, I thought it could be Maddie saying she'd lost her phone or keys, something along the lines of that. 

"Hello, who is this?"

"Aria..." and as soon as I heard his voice I hung up. How could've he got my number? I don't talk to him and I don't particularly want to anytime soon so why was he now ringing after all these years? My phone started to ring once again from the same number and I picked it up once again, "Harry I swear to god if this is you leave me alone."

"Aria, it's me Gemma"

"Oh Gemma sorry it's just the same number called and it was Harry."

"Oh yeah anyways I need you to come to this address if you can, it's just about what i'd mentioned the person agreed but I need your permission before we can go through with everything and I want to just tell you about it in person."

"I can make it, I guess. Send me the address and I'll get there as quick as I can."

"Okay see you soon and Aria you may not like what i'll say but I can assure you if you think about it it's a great opportunity."

After Gemma said that it kind of threw me off. I decided I would get a taxi to the address she sent me as I had a few bags and couldn't be bothered to carry them all on the bus. Once pulling up I realized that it was a large gated house I was standing in front of and as I wasn't sure whether Gemma minded or not if I bought a car I chose not to. I paid the cab driver, gave them a small tip, said thank you and wished them well. I walked up closer to the gate and buzzed the bell in hopes to get in. After saying who I was, the gate began to open and I walked in hesitantly and up to the front door where I could see Gemma. She took me down a long hallway which entered into a very large living room that was decorated beautifully. "Take a seat Aria." She pointed towards the couch and so I sat on it and placed the bags by my feet. "Before I say what I'm about to say just know that I did it out of the kindness of my heart and that I had no bad intentions when doing so and I just thought that it would be a great opportunity especially after everything you'd mentioned. So I thought when you mentioned the whole idea of fandoms that this would be a good way for you to get your marks and it involves fun" I just looked at her not quite sure what to say, "So obviously as you know we have Harry and he was one of your close friends years ago before you both fell out and he's going on tour in a few days and I thought that it would be a good opportunity if you could go with him. I spoke to him and he spoke to his management who emailed your school to see if it would be all okay and they said it would be and all I need you to do is agree with it." By now my jaw was quite literally on the floor. I know this was an opportunity of a lifetime but I really did now want to have to go for months on tour with Harry. It just didn't seem like something I could do after how badly things ended, but this would get me the grades of a lifetime. "I need to make a quick call. Is there anywhere that I could make one?"

"Sure you can do it here, I'll be back in a minute." 

After she left the room I called the one and only person I could think who would give me some clear advice, my mum. After a few rings she picked up, "Mum, I have like a major issue."

"What is it sweetie?"

"So you know how I have that final project that it going to take the whole year to do, well i mentioned it to Gemma when she met up with me for coffee and she said that she had an idea that could help. So today I got a ring from her saying that because I mentioned looking at fandoms she spoke to Harry about me going on tour with him and he agreed and his management have things in places for me if I want to go but I don't know what to do, can you help?"

"First of all Aria take a deep breath and stop panicking. You have literally been offered the opportunity of a lifetime to go on tour which means you'll be seeing the world whilst your at it, not only that but you have the opportunity to get a really good grade. Aria I know that Harry hurt you a lot but maybe it's time to open up. You only live once and you'll regret not doing it eventually."

"Thank you mum, I think I will do it if i'm ever sad your only a phone call away, I love you!"

"Love you too! And yes I only am ever a phone call away!"

I hung up the phone to mum and decided that I would go although things were left on bad terms. I'm sure that we could talk and it's not like i'd have to see him very much. Gemma walked in and I told her that I would do it. I had to sign a few things but I read over them and I knew I could stick to them. I also came to find out that I was sitting in Harry's living room and whilst it bothered me I knew I couldn't be bitter about it. Gemma said that he could drive me home but I really didn't want to be papped with him and they both literally insisted that we wouldn't be. I walked out to his range rover bags in hand, before leaving I got a schedule of everything and I'd found out we'd be leaving in just a few days which made me anxious but excited at the same time. I climbed into the front seat buckled up and sat back and the engine started. "You know I think that you'll like touring. It's your type of thing." I just hummed a little in response to what he said. "Aria before we leave I think we should talk and sort stuff out as the last time we spoke it was years ago and we weren't exactly left on the best of terms."

I hummed a small okay and he continued driving. As we pulled up he looked to me "I'm free all day tomorrow, I know you might need to pack as we leave soon but we need to talk."

"I'm free tomorrow so it sounds good"

"Just give me a text, my numbers in your phone the one Gem called from and I'll come pick you up. Also before you leave please know that I'm sorry,A.". I hummed once again and headed towards my door with tears threatening my eyes. 

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