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*Aria's POV*

The past few days have been weird to say the least. I haven't seen much of Harry and when I did he would rarely even talk to me. The last time we had a proper conversation was back in LA that morning before he went to that meeting. I found it weird how he went from talking to me literally all the time to now when he barely turns his head towards me and it's making me wonder what's changed.

We arrived in Nashville Tennessee a few days ago and today it's show day. I'm sitting in my hotel room editing the bits of video I took in San Francisco and I'd also filmed a Q&A the other day in order to get some type of content up. I missed vlogging a lot as I'd do it most of the time so it felt nice to sit and film and edit something. So many of my subscribers have been so supportive of me taking this break for a while and although a few of them still can't seem to understand why it didn't bother me. For most of the time when in Tennessee i'd hang out with Claire, Sarah or Mitch. They're all the best people to be around through this and at least there not boring and they know how to have fun. I decided not to go to soundcheck today as things just seem to be awkward.

As of now I'm wrapping up on finishing the vlog and the Q&A and they are going to be set for going up when I'm at the venue for tonight's show. I'm sitting on the hotel bed with my grey blanket all snuggled up when I get a knock on the door. I get up out from the position I'm in, still in my pajamas and go and open the door. As I open it i'm greeted by Steve's cheery smile, "Oh Hello Steve, I didn't expect to see you here?"

"Oh yeah well I was told to come check on you because you weren't at soundcheck."

"Yeah I told Mitch to let anyone know if they asked that I was staying here and getting some work done."
"Oh yeah we know but Harry was just very persistent in saying that I need to come check on you"
"Oh well i'm fine. He could have sent me a text to see if I was okay but guess not. I'm sorry he wasted your time, i'll see you tonight Steve."
"Goodbye!" I shut the door and walked back into my room. Soundcheck should have started at least an hour ago if not longer so why Steve had come halfway through I didn't know.

*Later that Afternoon*

I'd woken up at about four. I didn't intend to fall asleep yet I did and I guess you could say I was a little bit behind schedule. I had packed most of everything up earlier so that I wouldn't need to rush around doing everything later. I didn't know what anyone else was doing for dinner so I ended up getting room service. I wasn't too hungry so I just got a cheese toastie and they said it would take around 20 minutes to be ready. Whilst I was waiting for it to be ready I thought it might as well be useful to get everything ready. Tonight's outfit would be a bit more on the basic side of things but we were heading straight to a flight to go to Chicago. I packed tonight's outfit which consisted of a black and white striped top, some ripped denim shorts, my Gucci belt and some black heels which would be switched to trainers after the show. I threw my cosmetics bag in and that was me ready for today. I'd moved all my bags more towards the front of my hotel room so that I would be ready to go on time. Not too long after that my cheese toastie arrived and I ended up face timing Maddie.

We'd been on the phone for a good thirty minutes before I needed to say goodbye. It was really nice just being able to catch up and talk about everything going on especially since it's really hard trying to fit things around each other's schedule. We still had 34 days until we were back in London which seems like an eternity away. Anyways I needed to leave now to get to the venue for tonight's show.

I eventually got to the venue at six which is way later than I was supposed to get there but there was nothing I could do about that as there was traffic. I was greeted by Steve when I arrived and he ran over tonight's plan which was that I'd be watching from the left wing of the stage. He then showed me where I was getting ready for tonight's show. The first thing I started doing was my makeup which is literally the same as every other night but I used eyeliner and lip gloss tonight. I then moved onto my hair which I'd decided to curl which was a bit different as I normally had it down and straightened or up in a bun or ponytail. Then I got dressed into the outfit I had packed earlier. I left my trainers by the door with a pair of socks that I could get changed into after the show to head to the flight we had to go to the next destination. By time I had completely gotten ready it was coming close to 7:15 which still meant I had a while until the show so I decided that I wanted to walk around the venue before the show started.

 By time I had completely  gotten ready it was coming close to 7:15 which still meant I had a while until the show so I decided that I wanted to walk around the venue before the show started

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Steve obviously came with me and he took me round the back to avoid any drama or anything. When we went out it was still busy but I think most people were already in the auditorium a bit. The first place I'd asked Steve to take me was the Merch stall so I could see what was going on there. The ques to get the merch were still pretty big but then again I didn't expect any different. The venue itself could hold 2,362 people meaning it would be pretty busy. We then just walked around the venue for a bit. We ended up going backstage when it was coming up to eight meaning the show would be starting soon. I ended up going to the room where there were snacks and drinks available to have a drink before the show. Not to my surprise Mitch was in there sitting on the sofa that was up one of the walls. I walked to the little mini fridge we had and got a bottle of water out. Then I walked over to the couch and sat down next to Mitch. "Can I ask you something Mitch?"

"Go ahead Aria but it has to be quick as we have the pre show gathering thing we always do before we go on the stage."

"Do you think Harry's being weird around me?"
"Um well i'm not too sure."

"Cut the bullsh*t Mitch, you know something."

"Well it's not my place to tell you it's Harry's when he finally decides to tell you if he can. Now Aria I have to go, i'm sorry if that came across as rude but it really isn't my place to tell you. I'll see you after the show." I found that weird to say the least but I guess i'd have to ask Harry about it or something at some point.

The show tonight was good. I still felt like something was off and I just couldn't explain it or why it felt weird. Either way as the show was ending everyone started to come off stage and the crowd started to dispense. I was now back in my dressing room and all I had to do was change my shoes and I was ready to head to the flight we had which was to Chicago. Everyone else had to get out of suits or dresses and hang them up or give them to the dressing team etc which means we'd be here for a while before we needed to go. The conservation between Mitch and I was still running around in my head and it confused me a lot as I didn't know what to make of it. Around thirty minutes after we were all on our way to get on the plane to go to Chicago.

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