Needles (Evie AU)

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A/N: So a long time ago, someone requested this (I CAN'T FIND WHO PLEASE TELL ME SO I CAN DEDICATE THIS TO YOU), and, being the horrible person I am, I forgot about it. It is an AU of some kind (college, normal life?? IDK). It's super-specific, so not faulting you if you skip this chapter, it's hard to explain, so I'll put the actually request here: Here's the plot: I'm having loads of fun with my big sister mal until I get a massive toothache, so she takes me to Ben and Harry, who are apparently dentists. When I find out about this, I run back into my dorm and hide from Ben, Harry, and Mal inside my closet. So, Evie finds me in the closet and easily calms me down since I have a massive crush on her. After I'm being dragged back to Ben and Harry by my sister and Evie, Carlos and Jay tag along because I'm terrified of dentists, and when I see needles, I have a tendency to run off. So they're there to keep me running and to comfort me.

You laughed at Mal as she huffed, cleaning off the chocolate batter that she had spilled onto the counter after trying (and failing) to pull off a fancy trick.

She glared at you. "Oh, shut up (Y/N)." You didn't. You kept chuckling as you picked up a chocolate chip out of the bowl, quickly throwing it into your mouth before your sister could stop you. "(Y/N)!"

You shrugged at here as you bit down on the chocolate. You winced as a sharp pain radiated from the molar on the bottom left of your mouth. You tentatively bit down again. Another pain, worse than before, shot out. You brought a hand up to your jaw as you swallowed the chocolate. You gently rubbed your jaw as the pain continued. Mal looked over at you and furrowed her eyebrows.

"You okay (Y/N)?" She asked as she threw away the wipes she had used.

You smiled pathetically at her, still rubbing at your job. "I'm okay, just a little toothache. I'm sure it'll go away soon."

She gave you a deadpanned look before pulling out her phone. "I'm texting Ben."

Oh no. Mal's boyfriend Ben had recently started working at a local dentist's office down the road from your and Mal's apartment with another friend of yours, Harry. If Mal called Ben, he'd want you to come in, and then he'd be poking around in your mouth, making your gums bleed, and then want to rip your tooth out, which means Novacane, which means needles, which was a big "NO WAY" for you.

"That's okay, Mal," you all but shouted at her before calming down at her weird look, smiling despite the pain coming from your tooth. "I don't want to bother Ben or Harry with a little ache. They're probably super busy.

She raised an eyebrow at you, but before she could respond, her phone chimed, and she looked at it. "Ben says he free to take a look if we head over there now."

"Mal," you whined to your sister.

"(Y/N)," she mocked, turning the stove off and covering the batter. "Chill, it's probably something simple, an easy fix. Come on, let's go."

~Time Skip~

"It's cracked. We'll have to go in and seal it," Ben as he leaned back, setting his tools down and raising your chair. You took off the bib with shaky hands. As you grab your bag, Ben pulled Mal out into the hall, probably to flirt. You walked to the door and listened in, hoping to get some blackmail or something.

"Can't you do it without it? You know how (Y/N) gets around needles?" That was Mal. Your heart sped up. You knew it. You knew that there would be Novacane and needles and nope. You refused.

You opened the door and ran past Mal and Ben, ignoring Mal's call of your name. You sprinted out of the office, dodging people unable to yell an apology because you were seconds away from hyperventilating. You kept running, not paying attention as you ran home. You shakily fiddled with your key, dropping more than once before flinging the door open. You barely had the mind to close the door behind you before your mind went to try to find a good hiding spot.

Admittedly your apartment was probably a horrible hiding spot, but you were about five seconds away from an anxiety attack, so rational thought was not your friends. You ended up falling back on your childhood instinct, hid in your room's closet while mom and dad yelled about custody and shit.

When you reached your closet, you tucked yourself into the back corner, accidentally pulling down some shirts and pants with you. You wrapped yourself in these clothes, hiding away your mouth as phantom pains from phantom needles mixed with the real pain of your broken tooth.

You don't know how long you hid, time passing sluggishly as you tried to breathe, humming a random tune to try and distract your mind. All you know is that one second you were in the dark, and the next, the lights in your room were turned on, casting light through the slats in your closet door. You tried to push deeper into the corner, not wanting Mal to find you and drag you to Ben.

You heard someone hum (that didn't sound like Mal?) before the closet door gently opened. Instead of your sister's green eyes, you were meet with warm brown eyes.


Your cheeks flared up, the crush you've been harboring on the girl since middle school rearing its head. She smiled gently at you before lowering herself to the ground.

"Hey (Y/N)," she spoke softly, sounding like what you imagined angels sounded like.

You didn't respond for a moment, just looked at her from beneath your shield of clothes. God, you probably looked ridiculous. "Hi, Evie."

"Mal texted me, said you'd broken a tooth?"

You nodded at her, wincing as the pain flared up, seemingly as a reminder. Evie cooed at you before moving into the closet, sitting next to you.

"You know, when I was a kid, I actually wrapped myself up into the curtain at the doctor's office when they tried to give me a shot," Evie mentioned casually. "I refused to come out until my mother swore to buy me ice cream afterward. I'm pretty sure that was the first and only time she bought me ice cream!"

You had a hard time believing Evie was scared of needles like you. She was literally perfect. "How'd you get over it?"

Evie chuckled. "I had to get a tooth removed. After that experience, everything else didn't seem as bad!" She put an arm around you and gently kissed your head. "So how about this. Once you can eat after your tooth is fixed, we can go get ice cream together."

You thought about it for a moment. Ice cream with Evie did sound amazing, even if it was the date you've been dreaming of forever. "Okay."

She beamed, and you couldn't help but smile with her. "It's a date!"

You flushed again and were unable to protest as she gently pulled you from the closet.

You really hoped she actually meant it was a date.

~Time Skip~

You were outside the dentist's office again, this time with Evie on one side and Mal on the other. Both of them holding your hands in both comfort and as a way to keep you from running. You took a deep breath.

"The sooner you go in, the sooner it's over," Mal told you.

"I know," you grumbled as the three of you walked in, "doesn't make it any easier."

Sitting in the waiting room was your two other childhood friends- Jay and Carlos. They stood up when they saw you.

"Never thought I'd see the day the great (Y/N) faced her biggest fear," Jay said as you approached. You felt the tension in your shoulder release at the familiar banter.

"Well, I figured it wasn't as bad as dogs, so if Carlos can do it..." you trailed off, laughing as Carlos yelped indignantly. You felt Evie squeeze your hand, and you looked over at her and shared a smile.

That ice cream date was going to be worth it.

A/N: Fun fact: the story about hiding the in doctor's office curtain is true... to this day, my mom won't let me live that down. Also, getting many teeth removed (like six) really helped me get over my fear of needles! So, yay?


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