Apples Pt. 2 (Ben)

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"I don't like this Mal," Evie confessed as Mal made a list of the ingredients needed for the spell. Mal looked up, annoyed.

"And you think I want princey in love with me? This is what we have to do E," Mal said walking up to her friend. Evie looked upset and Mal was frowning.

Carlos spoke up hesitantly, "I-I don't like this either. What about (Y/N)?"

Mal turned to Carlos with her hands on her hips with an eyebrow raised, "What about (Y/N)?"

Evie put a hand on Mal's shoulder with a frown, "Ben and (Y/N) are obviously in love, how would they react to Ben suddenly falling in love with you? It would suspicious."

"Yeah," Jay piped up from his spot on Evie's bed, "Ben was talking during practice yesterday, they've been dating for nearly two years."

Evie nodded, "That just proves my point. Two years of a relationship suddenly and unexpectedly ended right after the Isle kids come. Come on Mal, that's just a recipe for disaster."

"Plus, what did (Y/N) ever do to you?" Carlos muttered, but shut up at Mal's glare.

"What is wrong with you people!" Mal exclaimed, turning to face all of her friends. "We are evil! Since when do we care about some hurt feelings? We need to get that wand, and to do that we need Ben!"

It was silent after Mal's outburst. Jay was stoic, Carlos looked apologetic, and Evie was upset. Mal sighed and uncrossed her arms. She grabbed her book and smiled a bit at her friends. "Come on guys, we can do this. 'Cause we're rotten..."

"Rotten to the core," her friends finished, unenthusiastic. Mal marched out of the room with her friend behind her, not seeing the tears in Evie's eyes.

~Time skip~

You were chatting with Ben before his game, joking about as he closed his locker. He grabbed your hand and you began to walk away when someone called out from behind you, "Ben! (Y/N)"

You and Ben turned and saw Mal walking up to you. She was holding a plastic bag in her hands. You and Ben smiled at her as she stopped in front of you. She smiled back, seemingly forced but you were in too good of a mood to notice.

"Hi Mal," you greeted. Ben said hello too and suddenly Mal seemed nervous. She held out the bag and you saw that there were cookies inside.

"I made cookies. Double chocolate chip, do you want one?"

Ben frowned apologetically, "Oh, I, uh, I've got a big game. I don't eat before a big game. But thank you so, so much. Thank you. Next time. Next time."

You smiled sadly, "I'm allergic to chocolate (IDK, pretend!)."

Mal deflated, "No, yeah. I completely understand. 'Be careful of treats offered by kids of villains.'"

"What?" you asked, surprised as Ben denied that. Did she really think that you said no because she was a VK?

Mal brushed off Ben's denial, "No, I'm sure every kid in Auradon knows that." Ben continued to try and explain and you started to frown. It almost seemed like Mal was egging him on. Mal shrugged and said, "No, I get it. You're cautious. That's smart. Oh, well, more for me, I guess."

As she went to take a bite, Ban grabbed the cookie not wanting Mal to think he didn't trust her. When he took a bite Mal smiled. Ben hummed, "No, no. Hey... see that? Totally trust you. Totally."

Mal perked up and you nudged Ben. He was such a people pleaser. "How are they?" Mal asked.

Ben hummed, "These are really, really good! You said you made them?"

Mal nodded cautiously as she watched Ben. You were smiling at Ben as he took another bite. "God (Y/N), you are missing out."

You shrugged and smiled impishly, "I don't know, once you go apple, you never go back."

Ben snorted and had to cover his mouth as he tried not to laugh. You were laughing at Ben and didn't notice as Mal deflated. Why weren't her cookies work? Ben had been looking straight at her when he took a bite, so why didn't it work. She narrowed her eyes at you as you laughed as Ben coughed a bit and jokingly glared at you. You.

You were the one her ruined her plans. Mal seethed with anger as she forced a smile and excused herself, "Glad you liked them. See you later."

You said goodbye with a quick smile. You walked with Ben as he finished his cookie and wiped his hand. When he was done you grabbed his hand and swung it between you. Ben chuckled as you rested your head on his shoulder. He smiled fondly at you.

"Hey Ben?" you said, breaking the peaceful silence that had fallen between you. Ben hummed in acknowledged you. "Did Mal seem weird to you, like she really, really wanted you to eat her cookie."

Ben shrugged and you didn't have to see his face to know that you were sorting similar frowns. "I mean," Ben tried to rationalize, "Your excuse was valid. You could not eat the cookies. I could."

You shrugged and decided to drop it. Instead, you asked, "How's the coronation plan going?"

Ben smiled and said, "It's going."

You chuckled and kissed his cheek. "You better get going if you want time to practice before the game."

Ben faced you and set a hand on your hips. "You'll be cheering for me?" he teased.

"I always do," you confirmed before leaning up and giving him a quick kiss. You pulled away and Ben smiled and waved over his shoulder as he walked away. You smiled at him as he narrowly avoided running into a tree. You felt someone tap you on the shoulder. You turned and smiled at Evie.

"Hi, Evie, what's up?"

Evie shuffled seemingly embarrassed. "Well. as you know there's a Tourney game. I have no idea what to wear!"

You chuckled and offered, "I can help you, Lord knows I've helped Audrey before."

Evie perked up and grabbed your wrist with a "Great!" and dragged you to her dorm room. You watched in bemused silence as Evie went through her closet in attempts to find something to wear. After about ten minutes Mal walked in and looked at you in suspicion.

"(Y/N)?" Mal asked hesitantly. Evie lifted her head out of her closet at her best friend's voice. She smiled nervously at Mal, desperately praying Mal would play nice.

"(Y/N)'s helping come up with an outfit for the Tourney game!" Evie explained as she held up a dress in front of her.

"Oh," was Mal's response. She looked at you again before going over to her bed and sitting down. She flipped through a book that you didn't recognize. You helped Evie a bit more before telling her you had to go.

"I've gotta go grab the jersey Ben gave me," you explained with a shrug. Evie squealed, relationships in Auradon were so cute! Anyway, you walked out of the room and headed to your room. When Mal was sure you were out of earshot she turned on Evie.

"E, what were you thinking?!" Mal demanded. Evie looked taken aback as Mal clarified. "(Y/N) is the one person in the way of our plans and you're suddenly becoming buddy-buddy with them!"

Evie huffed, done with Mal's crap. "(Y/N)'s actually really cool, maybe if you talked to them you wouldn't hate them! As for the wand, there is another way! Besides, it's not like it's their fault your spell didn't work!"

Mal was stunned, Evie had never yelled at her. So, without saying a word Mal gathered her things and left. She fully expected an apology before she got to the door, but when she turned to look at Evie when she opened the door all she saw was Evie's back and she sorted through her outfits. Mal slammed the door and stomped down the hallway. That was the final straw.

You had gotten in her way enough. No more Ms. Nice Mal. She was going to deal with this problem once and for all.

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